Raising Faith (part twelve): Embracing Your Rest

Raising Faith (part twelve): Embracing Your Rest

“Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken. My salvation and my honor depend on him, for God is our refuge. Lowborn men are but a breath, the highborn are but a lie; if weighed on a balance, they are nothing; together they are only a breath.” (Psalm 62:5-9).

“Momma, I’m glad we’re going home.”

“Why do you say that?”

“I need to stop the fun for awhile because I am so tired.”

“I understand, honey; mommy’s tired too.”

Those were her words today while driving home from grandma and grandpa’s. Two days of non-stop entertainment with the full attention of grandparents has a way of wearing out the most willing of participants. Like us, I am sure they are resting well tonight, in the comfort of quiet and with their routine returning to usual. My daughter and son love visits with their grandparents. Why?

Because of the attention. Because of the intentional effort put into their visits. Because sometimes, grandmas and grandpas better understand the value of time and the giving of it therein.

They’re not too busy, too bothered, or too bogged down with the world’s agenda so as to neglect their gift of influence upon another generation. They are on the backside of some valuable lessons that have taught them to appreciate the simple joy of investing in our Father’s most precious commodity—human life.

But investing, both in the lives of children and in adults, comes with a price tag. It often invests tired and weary and with the aches and pains of knees that prefer the couch rather than the floor or the baseball field in the backyard. It requires that the will supersedes the flesh, especially when the flesh is crying out for some quiet amidst the invasion of words that so adequately flow from an endless supply of questions and needs that refuse their silence. It requires an open mind and welcoming arms, even when ideas don’t match and visions don’t level the same.

Investing in people is hard work. But it is God’s work for each one of us. Our holy requirement as participants in the Great Commission … as priests in the household of believers. He means for it to cost us something. Not because he relishes our slavery to the task, but rather because he delights in the lives of his creation and in giving each one of us the privilege of savoring accordingly. Simply put,

We don’t have to invest in people. We are given the delightful freedom to do so.

That being said, Jesus understands our weary. He spent his earthly pilgrimage investing in the lives of people. On many occasions, his need for solace would require his absence from people. He wasn’t afraid to tend to this need. Many places in Scripture record him pulling away from the crowds to find his soul’s peace with his Father in private (Matthew 14:13; Mark 1:35; Mark 6:31-32; Luke 4:42; Luke 5:15-16).

Just like my daughter’s need to rest from the joy of relational output, Jesus, too, needed his rest from the crowds. Time with his Father in quiet solitude was like going home for Jesus. Why?

Because of the attention his Father gave him. Because of the intentional efforts of renewal afforded him in the pause. Because God better understands the kingdom value of what time with him will seed:


Further investment in the stuff that really matters.

I understand my daughter’s need for the journey home. The excitement that surrounded her departure from our routine and our very scheduled life was matched by her enthusiasm to return to the same. She loves coming home to rest, and so do I. We are a people who need our Father’s rest. But in between the going and the coming?

Lots of fun. Relationships that count. Love that grows and hearts that better understand how kingdom investing really breathes.

I don’t know how this strikes you today. We all, every last one of us, are heading home. This life is but a breath, whether we are “highborn” or of lowly estate. The clock is ticking and our weary will soon be laid to rest at the gates of heaven. What we do here matters for all of eternity. The privilege of sacred investment is a gift to us from our Father. What we choose to do with such influence is left to our discretion. He will never force us to seed his grace and love into the lives of others.

But he wants us to. Not because our crowns will boast heavier and more bedazzled with the jewels of his favor, but rather because he has seeded his grace and love into our hearts through the unimaginable gift of Calvary’s cross. And that kind of investment, my friends, should shake our complacency and force our knees to the floor in gratitude and toward the intentional sowing of Godly influence into the hearts of others, especially our children.

Perhaps, like my daughter, you are in need of some rest this day. You’ve played hard and loved real. You’re routine has been blessed with the interruption of relationship, and you are weary from the doing. Your Father is calling you home for some solace and some attention. He understands your requirement, and he is ready to touch your tired with the sacred salve of his perfect intention. Come home to Jesus, and find your soul’s peace. He is waiting to invest his love into you. Thus, I pray…

Give us the wisdom, Father, to know when we are in need of your rest. You, alone, are our rock and our fortress and the seeding of our strengthened hope. Forgive me when I fail to come and when I falter in loving others because I have neglected my time with you. My life is but a breath, but for as long as I am breathing its measure, I want to spend it wisely and with your perfect intention guiding my steps and blessing my obedience. Thank you for the privilege of investing your love into the lives of others and for the privilege of sitting at your feet to receive the same. May Sabbath rest be my portion this day. Amen.

Copyright © October 2008 – Elaine Olsen. All rights reserved.

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20 Responses to Raising Faith (part twelve): Embracing Your Rest

  1. They are such angels when they are sleeping!! Adorable!
    This rest thing is hard. I want to play hard and to love hard and yet I hear God say “your not ready” and so I am forcing myself to “rest” to find His peace.
    I find such comfort and encouragment from here. Thank you!

    In His Graces~Pamela

  2. Elaine, I have been resting too much. I have said that my babies take up all my time and energy…and while there is some truth to that (!), they aren’t the only lives I need to be investing in.

    Yes, it is very hard. And doing it overseas adds extra dimensions. But the Lord has been speaking to me about taking my girls with me and going…investing…in the lives of others while the day is still day.

    Thank you for your words of “invest and rest.” Both are important.

  3. I was struck a couple of months ago, by the fact that in the tending and investing of others’ souls, I haven’t tended to or invested in my family’s souls. By this, I don’t mean my immediate family, but my own siblings.

    So, tomorrow I leave on a trip with my brothers. Just the three of us on a journey to know each other better. Instead of just depending on reports from our parents, we’ll be delving into each other ourselves. I anticipate a very memorable time (perhaps the first of many) where we will forge and build the lasting ties that bind.

    Oh, and I feel CERTAIN that after a few days with these two, I’ll look just like that little gal of yours on MY way home!

    Peaceful sabbath to you, my friend,

  4. Oh, I WAS there not so long ago – and I got my rest and was SO rejuvenated! Wonderful insights, and what a cutie you’ve got there :)It’s HARD to stop and rest, but it is SO worth it to have that time in His quiet presence. Thank you.

  5. This post was particularly meaningful to me today Elaine. For two days I’ve been tired, just tired in body. I’ve spent a lot of time just resting. But resting means I can stop the movement and focus on Him, listening to His words for me and heeding His nudges. When I’m on the move I miss those times. blessings, marlene

  6. I wish I could slump over in the car seat and sleep like that!

    Since I still work, I can tell you I’ve gotten very selfish about my rests – be they sleep rests or quietude.

    Nothing tickles me more than seeing (or should I say “hearing”) hubby crashed in his chair on a Saturday afternoon – ostensibly to “watch” golf.

    There is something so very comforting about being still and knowing God is God.


  7. The more I abide with Him… the more I desire what He desires… and His heart is truly for His children.

  8. If only we could rest like our children do. Precious! I feel like I get plenty of rest physically. It is the emotional and mental rest that I need. Praise God that we have a father who cares. When the world around us keeps going, we can find rest in him. And when it comes down to it that is all we need. Blessings!

  9. First, I loved the pictures– especially the grandparent one as my husband and I are at that stage of life where we value those people around us more than we ever thought to before but sometimes the body needs a rest too.
    There have been many lives around me that we have avoided investing in–for many reasons–and your sweet reminder is nudging me to do what I know I should be doing. Thank you!

  10. wifeforthejourney:

    It is good to rest in the Lord! The frantic pace we keep seems to be the common denominator of most Americans. Thank you for your encouragement to resist the demands of the clock and make time for Jesus this morning.

    “Little Elaine” (aka our daughter Amelia) is beautiful because of her mommy! Love you,

    ~ Billy

  11. Amen on the rest! I love the saying, “The faster I go, the behinder I get.” Thanks for coming by “He Lives” and offering such great encouragement. I’m new to the blogosphere, so I get a lift when I know anyone’s out there listening!

    May you feel His grace today,
    Gail W.

  12. I’ve desperately been in need of rest — I’ve been sick for about a week now and while I am not enjoying the actual sickness itself, I am enjoing the time alone with my God it is affording me.

  13. My friend, I’m in need of rest from wearisome thoughts that have plagued me over the past 7 days. Needing to surrender and trust and rest.

    Wanting His peace,

  14. I love the little voices when they finally want to sleep and ask for it. How blessed you are to have your parents pouring their grangparental wisdom into your children.

  15. Elaine, I’ve got an interview on my blog this week that I think might encourage you. The second question in particular is the one that I’m thinking of. FYI.

  16. just precious, Elaine (especially the pics). I need to email soon. I’ve heard from Kregel. I’ll tell you all about it soon. Mixed feelings. Still sorting…

  17. Elaine, this post really encouraged me today. My husband and I are both weary and need a break from some people and issues in our own lives, and although others may try to make us feel “guilty,” God has not. He understands our need for a break from the crowd. Thank you for the sweet reminder that even Jesus needed His time away.

    God Bless,

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