Letting Go

Letting go.

We talked about it last night after teeth were brushed and prayers were spoken. Two girls, one barely eleven and the other four times plus her senior. Her tears might as well have been mine. I know this struggle – this letting go kind of dilemma.

She’ll be taking a trip soon, one that requires her to leave behind a few items that have been her comfort for the past decade. She knows it’s time; she just doesn’t know how she’s going to do it without some pain.

“Maybe this is how God is going to grow you. Maybe this is his way of molding you into the woman he wants you to be – someone who trusts him in the night. You can hold onto someone real, baby girl, instead of something that’s not. You can hold onto Jesus. I sure would hate for you to miss out on a potentially, life-changing experience because of your fear of letting go. Maybe this is God’s way of leading you toward a deeper faith in him.”

These words were enough to momentarily quell her inner ache; I lingered a while longer while she let this truth absorb into her soul. After leaving her room, I let it absorb into mine as well. Long into the night I meditated on these words shared from my mother’s, well-trained heart to a daughter who is following closely behind.

Maybe this is how God is going to grow you, Elaine.

Letting go. I know it’s time; I just don’t know how I’m going to do it without some pain.

Of what, you might ask?

A few things. In the grand scheme of your life, my few things probably don’t matter that much. I imagine you have your own releases that are fighting it out within your heart today. You know it’s time; God’s been poking at it for a while now. But you are scared of the night. Those creature comforts that have been temporarily comforting you no longer suffice. Their power is limited and will never lend you enough strength for the deeper faith that is required for the journey ahead.

And so you have a choice: Let go of what’s in your hand so that you might take hold of God’s hand, or hold on to what you have and never make it to your next, spiritual birthday. You can stay stuck at eleven or you can add another candle to the cake and move forward with your twelve. The choice is yours. The choice is mine.

Maybe this is how God is going to grow us all.

It begins in the night, when light is cloaked by darkness, a wrestling it out under the covers with our souls. The pain is real, the ache almost debilitating. Almost. But then truth arrives, bringing with it a fair exchange for the hurt. A God exchange. His real presence for your temporal fix. His real hand, his heart, and his love for your false idols.

Your life, changing because of your letting go.

I want that, friends. Life changing. Life amplified. Life maturing. Life living forward in the daytime because I wasn’t afraid to let go in the night. Life holding hands with the Savior instead of life holding hands with fear.

Accordingly, I make this choice today, even as my daughter will have to make hers in coming days. I know it’s time; I just don’t know how to do it without the pain. So I won’t even try. I’ll expect the pain, but I’ll also expect the hand of Jesus. His real presence makes all the difference. His real presence is all the strength I need to let go in order that I might walk on.

This is me letting go.

This is me walking on.

I’ll meet you on the road of faith. Traveling mercies, sweet friends, and may you always know God’s companioning …

Peace for the journey,

17 Responses to Letting Go

  1. Oh how I have missed reading your words, allowing your insight to cover the spirit of my broken being. It is so time for me also to “let go”. Friend, you bring me so much comfort, encouragement & direction.

    Love you friend.


  2. Well, I’m just a sopping mess over here, blowing my nose and with tears streaming down my face. YOU know that I know about this ‘letting go’ all too well.

    I’ve had to let go of several things over the past few years. It’s never easy, never without pain…a constant work-in-progress for me. Too many times, I have tried to control people, things, myself. Too many times I’ve allowed myself to get worked up over situations I cannot control, worrying about the what-ifs in life. Too many sleepless nights I have tossed and turned, trying to come up with ways to fix things myself. Letting go and allowing God to have complete control, leaning on Him and not on my own understanding…that has been one of the biggest – and scariest – challenges for me in my journey with Him.

    This is a post I will refer to often, friend…I’ll need the reminder. Thanks for this timely lesson – not just for your little one, but for me, too.

    Love you dearly…

  3. I’ve had to let go of some things over the last few years. Very painful at times, but I have grown so much, and so much closer to the Lord through it all. I have to believe there is always purpose in the pain. Blessed to read this!

  4. By letting go, I can grasp what GOD has for me. By lifting my arms in praise, I can receive all HE is calling me to. Thank you dear one, for this poignant, timely reminder. I’ve been busy on my book! Only a couple of chapters to go!!! Thank You LORD.

  5. I have a feeling you have hit home with so many of us…ME for sure. There has been so much “letting go” in these last few years (especially these last few months with the passing of my mom) that it seems as if it’s become the central point of this season in my life. You’d think I would have become an expert, and yet, still I struggle..big time. I think you have it just right when you said you will expect the pain, but take HIS hand and continue on the journey. I will be back to read this again and again I think. Blessings to you today!

  6. Pruning is painful… letting go is hard… but God grows us in those moments doesn’t He?!?!

    I imagine the double ache you feel as you watch your darling girl do her own “letting go”.

    The verse I have been meditating on today is John 16:33 – seems appropriate for our letting go moments as well

    Love you Elaine!!!

  7. wifeforthejourney:

    This another ‘close to home’ message as I consider our daughter’s growing up and the growing up that God has called me too. What seems (in the minds of grown-ups) so easy to abandon about childhood – security blankets, imaginary friends, stuffed animals – is not so easy when we consider the kinds of things WE cling so tightly onto for ‘security.’

    God grant us the faith to see you do have a plan for our growing and to believe that you can be trusted to know whats best. Don’t let my own fears keep me from missing out on a blessing from you.

    Love you!

    ~ Billy

  8. There are some things I have to daily let go of. I think about grabbing God’s hand as I let go of other things. I ask Him to be with me every second and every step of my day.

  9. Elaine, I believe that you will understand how close this hit to my heart today. Yes, letting go of so many things. Growing pains are never easy. And sometimes what God asks you to let go of are the ugly things that grip our hearts – jealousy, anger, bitterness.

    However, I want to feel the Lord’s hand in mine – and that can only happen if my hands are empty.

    Nothing I can hold on to matches what I will find when I let go of it all at the foot of the cross!


  10. I’m over here letting go if many —many things. And it feels good after the letting go. I like Michael Card’s song lyric: “And it’s hard to imagine the freedom we find from the things we leave behind.”

    Teaching “idols of the heart” by Elise Fitzpatrick. God seems to be asking more of us…open hands…it’s good to hold loosely to earthly things-then the letting go is a bit easier. Different when were talking about people though-that one is very difficult. I seem to hold tighter my loved ones. But God. He wins my affections. For grace to trust Hom more….

  11. I have just read this post, and then scanned through the comments. You said it so well Elaine, and the comments say my own heart on this, and yes, it’s a struggle that probably all of us can nod our heads in agreement with… that letting go, it’s so hard when it’s what is closest to our hearts. When we do let go, never ever does He disappoint!!

    Thinking of you these days and hoping the move has smoothed out and life is somewhat back to normal.

  12. There is something peaceful and free about letting go of our fears and grasping hold of God. Why we fight it I’ll never know. Your little girl is so blessed to have you!

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