Category Archives: artistry

Peace arrives in a tiny package…

Peace arrives in a tiny package…

It arrived on Wednesday. A good day for unwrapping the much needed necessary of my weary heart. A little,

peace …

for the journey.

Not long ago, I ran across an artist’s work that immediately captured my attention and my appreciation. Her name is Lisa Leonard, and like all true artists, she sees the world through a unique set of lenses.

As image bearers to the Master Artist, we share his capacity for creativity. Our Father fashioned our flesh with a bent toward creative expression. All of us…every last one of us…are artists. We paint stories with…

Our words. Our writings. Our music. Our cooking. Our acting. Our dance. Our paintings. Our teaching. Our leadership. Our singing. Our speaking. Our conversations. Our silence.

No one escapes the need for expression, for within each one of us is the impulse of our creative God. He placed our lives upon this earth to put voice to a story … his story. And somewhere within the telling, he hopes that others will be compelled to add their own lines to the script.

Lisa, at least in part, expresses her voice through her jewelry. Those of you who know me, know that I am not a fancy girl in search of a lot of “bling” to add to my bland. Lisa’s work exceeds bling. It breathes with a simple beauty that invites quiet contemplation rather than loud demonstration.

For a few months now, I’ve admired her work from the sidelines, and when my ladies at Bible study gifted me with a recent “thank you,” my thoughts warmed with the possibility of purchasing one of Lisa’s designs. The girls instructed me that the money was not to be used on my children or for bills, but rather to be used on something I wouldn’t normally buy for myself.

No further persuasion was needed. I ordered my necklace, and I couldn’t be more pleased with the results.

As a way of honoring Lisa’s creative expression, I want to gift one of you readers with a $20 gift certificate toward the purchase of your own, hand-crafted design. In addition, Lisa is offering a 20% discount to anyone who places an order for a design.

When ordering, simply type in the code “peace20” to receive your 20% discount. As for the $20 gift certificate, please leave a comment, and I will draw a winner on Monday. If you want to comment, but know that you won’t be able to use the gift, please indicate accordingly so that someone else has the opportunity to win. (*note: I will have a code available for you when you are ready to place your order that will deduct the $20 from total purchase.).

Thank you so much, Lisa, for your beautiful heart and life that shines through with each of your hand-crafted creations. Thank you, readers, for allowing me to introduce her to you. I won’t often do this on the blog, but I do believe in celebrating the many talents that God has scripted into each one of us.

Lisa Leonard certainly fits the bill. So do you. So get busy in tending to your creative side and allowing God to use it for his many kingdom purposes. Tell us about it in the comment section.

I love your hearts. I love that you consider me your friend, even though many of us have never met face to face. I love that you love Jesus, and most importantly, I love that we will one day share heaven together with Him. Until we get there, and while we walk here, may his constant presence be your portion, may his favor and blessing be your shadow, and may you always know his loving and abiding …

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Please take time to visit Lisa at her website and peruse some more of her handmade jewelry:

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