Category Archives: a quick word


Sometimes a heart gets so filled to overflow, it’s hard to know what to do with it all. I’ve had that problem all afternoon; not a bad problem to have. Better to be filled than be depleted.
Let me explain.
I began my morning at the cancer center, not for treatment but for a massage. In addition, I talked to my doctor about the persistent tingling in my fingers, especially my right thumb which has now developed blood blisters. As I’ve mentioned before, chemotherapy is not without side-effects. After my consultation, I was on my way out of the center when I noticed her—a sister cancer patient I’ve sat next to on a few occasions. I hadn’t seen her in a while. Chemotherapy and radiation treatments have taken their toll on this precious woman. The physical effects on her fragile frame took me by surprise. I had to stifle my shock.
Alongside her sat her husband. The effects of his wife’s chemo was also evident in his stoutly frame. Tears welled up in his eyes as I knelt next to his wife with words of comfort. He tried not to display his pain, but something released in him in those few moments, and I was undone with the suffering. It was palpable. Tenderly, I expressed to him my acknowledgment for the hard work he was doing alongside his wife and thanked him for his perseverance. I looked them both squarely in the eyes and said, “You can do this; by God’s grace you can do this.” I hugged them both, wished them a “Merry Christmas” and made my way out to my van.
I choked on my tears while driving home. Cancer has multiple victims; not just the ones who are carrying it in their flesh. Caregivers suffer as well, sometimes at a deeper, less communicable level. Their outlets for pain are limited, but it is, nonetheless, very real and tender and true. Sometimes they deserve a closer look from those who sit on the outside of the inner, cancer circle. Sometimes they need our knees, our hugs, our prayers, our compassion… every bit as much as the patient does. They need to know that they are not alone as they walk this road of companionship with their loved one.
I know this one, because I’ve witnessed the need in my own companion… my husband for the journey. Some of you know him as Preacher Billy. Some of you call him friend. Some of you simply realize that there has to be a better half to my household, and in this season, I’m willing to concede the honor to him! I don’t know what I did to deserve such a man like mine, but I believe it has everything to do with grace and God and his Son’s death to self so that I might fully participate in the divine nature. Tonight, I stand amazed at the beauty of such a gift; not just for me but for all of us who know the unmerited, unconditional love of another.
Maybe not through a spouse, but through a child. A friend. A parent. A relative. A neighbor. A co-worker. Regardless of their connection to you, you have known their love in lavish measure as they have cared for you, some days in spite of you. You’ve never had to ask for their love. It simply arrived on time, in time, and filled with enough time to service your needs.
On paper, such love doesn’t compute. Selfless loving makes little sense to a world’s mentality that says “What’s in it for me?” Never once does unconditional love focus on self; instead, this kind of love puts others ahead of self, content to bring up the rear with little fanfare or notice. Caregivers often fall into this role, believing that their come-alongside participation was a role they were destined to play, without condition.
I imagine all of us could think of someone who fits this role in our own lives. If not for us, then for someone we love. This is a good time of year to remember them; to stop in our tracks long enough to kneel down before them and ask a few questions. Wipe a few tears. Offer some encouragement. Acknowledge some of the pain. It’s such a seemingly little thing to do—pausing to notice suffering. But for the one on the receiving end of your concern, it means a great deal. In many ways, your acknowledgment validates their courageous decision to participate in a loved one’s pain.
I don’t know what my kneeling accomplished today; it does, indeed, seem like a small thing in the grand scheme of my friend’s pain. But I know what it means to me to have my suffering acknowledged. And I’ve watched my husband benefit from the same consideration. It means everything to us, and I don’t want to go through the rest of my days skirting around the issue of human pain. I want to be invested accordingly, as the Lord determines in the days to come.
I want to be a kneeler. I want holes in my jeans and dirt on my knees because of my willingness to bend and to bow and to say, “You can do this; by God’s grace you can do this.” Sometimes it’s the best gift we can give to one another.
Our knees, followed by God’s word of grace.
Would you bow on behalf of another today? Would you be willing to notice the pain of those who are suffering in the flesh and those caregivers who most closely suffer with them? Perhaps God is prompting your heart in this very moment to move into action. Don’t wait until tomorrow. Do it now, and tell them, even as you remind yourself…
“You can do this; by God’s grace you can do this.”
You can do this, my friends, and because of God’s grace to you, the suffering souls of this world have now become your charge and keep. They need your love. Kneel now; kneel often. Kneel low, and kneel always in the strong and mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ. You give to the King when you kneel to his grace. As always…
Peace for the journey,

peace for the journey {a Christmas deal}…

Just in case you’re the one person in the free world who missed it all those months ago when it first went viral, I’m posting the book trailer for my first published work, peace for the journey: in the pleasure of his company (Winepress, 2010). After all, who of us couldn’t use a little “peace” for our journeys this day? If you are interested in securing a copy of my book, I’m running a special through the 15th: $14 per copy and free shipping up to three books. Just shoot me an e-mail and let me know of your interest. If you’d rather purchase via another route, you can click any of the following links:

PS: The winners of Cindy’s beautiful scripture cards (thanks to hubby and Jadon for drawing names) are… Sassy Granny & Cheryl! I think I have your addresses gals. Shalom.

a Hallmark moment… Lisa Leonard style!

I married a good man. I don’t know how many of them are left out there, but it seems that “good” is hard to come by these days. I’m certainly glad that “good” found me some thirteen plus years ago and decided to take a chance on my heart. I shudder to think of how my life might be living right now if I didn’t have all of Billy’s goodness close by to shelter me in this time of storm.
Along those lines and as a way of honoring that love, I ordered Lisa Leonard’s snowflake ornament to adorn our Christmas tree. As you can see, its inscription indicates the fondness I have for my husband. Truly, he is my heart and a continual reminder to me of the grace of Jesus Christ. Together, we share a beautiful life and love that has been carefully guarded and nourished over these past thirteen years. Ours has been a deliberate love–a relationship built on intention… on purposefully choosing each other over all others, even when our feelings/emotions lagged behind.
It’s just a little something… this ornament. Just a small way I can benchmark this time in our lives so that years from now, when a next Christmas comes around, we can hang it together and feel the depth of what this season has birthed in us, both collectively and as individuals.
A Hallmark moment, Lisa Leonard style!
I’d like to give that kind of moment to two of you. Accordingly, Melanie and Terri’s names were chosen from the comments on my last post. Ladies, I have e-mailed you the details and will get these to you as soon as they arrive at my doorstep.
In addition, I have two copies of Chris Tomlin’s Christmas CD, Glory in the Highest to give away. The winners of this CD are Noreen from Life Blessings and Kimberly from A Child of the King. It’s one of my favorite Christmas “listens”; I hope you enjoy it as well. If you already have this particular CD, feel free to pass it along to someone else who might enjoy it.
As this week comes to a close, I am ever mindful of and grateful for the life we share together via our blogging. I can’t begin to express to you how much I’ve needed you these past few months. The road has been lonely and isolated at times. It blesses my heart to know that within a few clicks of a mouse, I can connect with so many of you on a personal level. You, my friends, are good people, and I am the better for having you in my life.
May the joy, favor, and love of our Father rest upon you, each one, as we move ever closer to Bethlehem to behold the sacred light and witness of the manger. As always…
Peace for the journey,
a quick word about some kindred friends…

a quick word about some kindred friends…

I don’t have many words for you today; they are stuck inside of me, and I am frustrated by their accumulation. Can one explode from word retention? I hope so; I hope they will come forth in time, but for now they remain buried beneath the weightiness of my daily regimen. Accordingly, I want to share with you a couple of beautiful gifts I have received in recent days from some gifted, talented artists. I’ve never met these girls in person, but our hearts are connected because of the great bond we share in Jesus.
I am thankful for that bond because, in many ways, this has been the loneliest season of my life. Without the love and daily support of the blogging community, I know that this road and load would feel unbearable at times. You mean so very much to me. Please know that. And please know that you are in my constant thoughts and prayers as I quietly move through this contemplative season in my life. Truly, I never knew I was loved this much, and what you have given to me is proof-positive that our God is alive and well and moving in this place we’ve come to know as the blogosphere.
So take a moment, and visit some new/old friends. They are worth every intentional investment you make toward friendship.
From Shirley @ One Woman, Many Pieces:
PS: Comments are closed on this post, but I hope to be back tomorrow to offer a few thoughts post chemo #3. I’m feeling ready and confident about knocking down this one with the full force of my heart and faith.

a moment with the Gardener…

“Now the LORD God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden;” {Genesis 2:8}

“This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.” {John 15:8}

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law…. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.” {Galatians 5:22-23, 25}
Enjoy some time with the Gardener today; may his good seed find a generous and willing soil within your heart. Shalom!

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