A Second Ladle of Grace from Amelia’s Wishing Well

A Second Ladle of Grace from Amelia’s Wishing Well

“Jesus answered, ‘Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.’” (John 4:13-14).

She couldn’t have known what her time at the well would mean for her in the days to come. Truth had come to meet her at the point of her deepest need. And when Truth arrives,

Truth transforms and transcends. He reveals and he requires. He invites and he instructs. He confronts and he commissions. He loves and he lasts.

What she decided to do with that Truth would count for always. Rather than run from Truth, she drank deeply from his sacred ladle to know a lasting grace that would follow her into her always. It was an always that would soon transpire into a second ladle of grace, portioned out upon the soil of her past.

“Many of the Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman’s testimony, ‘He told me everything I ever did.’ So when the Samaritans came to him, they urged him to stay with them, and he stayed two days. And because of his words many more became believers. They said to the woman, ‘We no longer believe just because of what you said; now we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this man really is the Savior of the world.’” (John 4:39-42).

Can you trace the power of a journey’s thirst that leads one to pause at a well? A pause that stops along the way to cast a penny’s hope into the sacred waters that stir with the breath of a Father’s intent? The Samaritan woman came with her emptiness. She left with a spring of water welling up within her to eternal life.

Eternity for her. Eternity for those who witnessed her transformation.

That is the way of sacred wishing and sacred waters. One cannot experience a taste of the Truth and leave as unchanged. God’s grace extended beyond her single ladle of refreshment to become a second helping of grace for those who knew her best. As it was for this Samaritan woman and her community so long ago, so it was for my household this past weekend.

I didn’t know there would be a P.S. added to A Penny’s Worth of Wishing—a second ladle of grace dipped from the same fountain that cradled my daughter’s wish for her Father to come and to reveal himself to her. One ladle was almost more than this mother’s heart could handle.


But God is like that. He is a more than God. And when the well of Living Water touches the life of one, it ripples outward to touch the life of another. In this case, another named Jadon. Another I call son.

I would be remiss if I didn’t take time to script this P.S., for its worth far exceeds a penny’s throw. Its worth measures eternal.

My son has been walking around his sister’s salvation story for a couple of months now. She asked Jesus into her heart on Good Friday, and I chronicled her moment in a post entitled A Cradled Surrender. At that time, Jadon made some mumblings about a similar wanting, but because my son is prone to following…to impulsivity rather than conscious decision…I confess that I gave little credence to his words.

My heart was tender to his thoughts, but I wanted Jadon to come to his own conclusion in the matter of faith…to come into a saving relationship with Jesus Christ in his own time, in his own way, rather than riding on the coattails of his sister’s experience. That moment has come, and just yesterday, while sitting on the back porch steps with my son, he told me a story that is worthy of my pen.

Jadon told me about his moments at the wishing well. He had accompanied us on our field trip to find a well that would cradle our pennies’ worth of dreams, and while my attention was solely focused on Amelia making her wish, my little boy was making one of his own.

“Mommy, I asked God into my heart at the wishing well the other day.”

“What does that mean to you, son?”

“I know he is here in my heart. All four pennies were worth everything.”

Brief words. Powerful in their impact.

Enough said. Enough time for him to come to his own conclusion in the matter. Enough words to silence this mother’s misgivings and to finally embrace the tender declaration of a son’s wish.

We talked further, and then we prayed a prayer of firm commitment.

How could I have known that a trip to a wishing well would mean one thing to one child, and then, in turn, would mean everything for another child? That is the power of a journey’s thirst that leads a soul to the ladling from God’s sacred well. A drink from the fountain of Living Water always exceeds the parameters of a single wish. It spills forth onto everyone within range.

Sacred ladling…

Reveals Truth. Reshapes hearts. Renews perspective. Revives the dying. Rewrites forever.

First and second helpings. Thirds and fourths and beyond. One P.S. after another until all the world has been given the opportunity to drink. You and I, even Jadon and Amelia, host the eternal waters of our living God as he churns within our frame. He is meant for the overflow. He is meant for the spilling. We all have been given the sacred trust of carrying his ladle to our near and to our far…to our moments that exist ahead of this one.

To cast his life’s wish into the fountain of humanity so that all people can fully know and boldly proclaim that he really is…

the Savior of the world who readily receives our four pennies worth of wishing and showers us, in return, with the gift of everything.

And so I pray…

Thank you, Father, for a second ladling of grace… for the times when your working exceeds my visioning. Thank you for the ladles that will come to others through my life and through the lives of my children. Keep our quenching to the eternal waters of your filling. Let our taste for the world drink bitter while our taste for You drinks sweet. You, alone, are worthy of every wish of my heart. May your name be glorified and lifted up because of our time spent at your well this week. Amen.

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Copyright © May 2008 – Elaine Olsen. All rights reserved.

28 Responses to A Second Ladle of Grace from Amelia’s Wishing Well

  1. Wow! What a blessing to be a witness to the giving of your son’s heart to Jesus. Wow, indeed…to lead your own son in prayer of committment to our Son and Savior.

  2. Thank you so much for sharing this! All of heaven is rejoicing at this new commitment to Christ! And we also are rejoicing with you and the angels and God himself!!

    Luke 15:7 In the same way, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine respectable people who do not need to repent.

  3. thanks for your answer to my question :o) You always have a wise word!!! Thank you also for this post, it blessed me today!

  4. “All four pennies were worth everything.”

    I’m speechless at that. ‘Nuff said.

  5. Sweet. Compelling. No wonder the Lord had such kind words for the children; they always see the humble things we adults often miss altogether.

  6. Your heart must be so full right now. What a beautiful thing.
    My own heart is thirsty for a drink from His “sacrad ladle “.

  7. What a beautiful “P.S.” to your story! Congratulations! I know that from a Mommy’s perspective there is NOTHING better than knowing her children are all safe in the fold of God!

    God bless you….

  8. One cannot experience a taste of the Truth and leave as unchanged.


    Sister, your cup is over flowing! What a joy this must be, one I can not fathom, but I am standing on the promises of being a grandmother that I will witness this with beginning a God-ly heritage. You see, neither of my step-children are believers, and growing up, neither were their parents. Just pew warmers. Since their adult lives have begun, their Dad and I, both have accepted Christ and strive to live for HIM hourly/minute by minute/daily.

    Thank You Lord Jesus, for this second ladle of grace that You have bestowed upon Elaine and her family! Amen.


  9. We have not responded to your exceptional writings in a while, but that does NOT mean that we have not been reading, savoring,remembering, and learnng from what has been written. These recent writings about Amelia and Jadon’s giving their lives to God are particularly touching and beautiful. Is there anything more inspiring than a child’s faith? Thanks be to God and to faithful parents!
    R & B

    The pictures are outstanding too!

  10. I love this story, it reminds me that now one is unreachable while we are still here, even we are in the lowest of places God is there…
    Thank you…

  11. For some reason the scene at the wishing well from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs came to my mind…

    I’m wishing (I’m wishing)
    For the one I love
    To find me (to find me)
    Today (today)

    We don’t have to wish for the One who loves us… He is there, waiting for us to cast our hopes and dreams across His well of eternal life! He has found us… He’s waiting for us to find Him and to Love and Love some more!

    Thanks for sharing the PS

  12. Is there anything more precious than the faith of our children? What joy and peace this must bring to your heart! I’m rejoicing with you today. Thank you for sharing this precious second ladle of “forever” grace!

  13. Oh Elaine. . .I am praising our Father for His wonderful works. How sweet it is to share in this most meaningful event in your life.

  14. What a precious gift you have for writing! I found you today from a comment you left on Becoming Me. I’m so glad I stopped by. Praise the Lord for the amazing expereices you have been able to have as your children gave their hearts to the Lord!!

  15. “All four pennies were worth everything.” How sweet? To know your son gave his life to the Lord…what a blessing!!!! And he kept it to himself for a couple of days. WOW. That just simply amazes me.

    You are a gifted writer, Elaine. I really enjoy your posts!

    Prayers and Blessings!

  16. Elaine, again my eyes are filled with tears as my mind journeys back to this wishing well with you. What precious moments you have shared with both your children. It has reminded me of that sacred moment when my son came to me asking, “Mommy, how do I ask Jesus into my heart?”

    Elaine, I don’t believe this is the last ladle of grace from this well. I believe more pennies will be given…more wishes made…more longings expressed…more sins forgiven…more souls meeting the Living Water…as God directs others to read this post..recognize sin, repent and receive.

    God has done great things for you, and we are filled with joy!

    Blessings my friend,

  17. Wow! That is so awesome!

    I found your blog through one of my cousins (everyday miracles). Your blog has touched my life right where I needed it today. Would you mind if I put your link on my blog?
    Thanks for being willing to share your thoughts.

  18. wifeforthejourney:

    What joy has visited our home these last few days. We are indeed so blessed to celebrate the second birth of our sons and our daughter!

    This leads me to want to share a bit of local history about the statue pictured at the center of our families’ “wishing well.”
    The City of Goldboro received the original statue at the center of that fountain almost 90 years ago; cast bronze, I think from Europe. But years of exposure took their toll on statue and fountain alike so in 2001 the City started a drive to replace the Lady at the Well.

    How appropriate the place where Jadon and Amelia’s hearts were made new by God, would be at a fountain where the central feature is a new statue that replaced the old one!

    “I tell you the truth, unless a man is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.” ~ John 3:5

    May we all give thanks for the day of our salvation!

    ~ Billy

  19. You are awesome!!! I loved your comment (Unfortunately, I accidently hit the reject instead of publish button- AUGH!) My inlaws have also taught in the Christian College world and my husband hopes to follow in their footsteps one day. Currently, he teaches one online College Course. You inspire, truly!

  20. I am so excited that you will be attending She Speaks!

    Hopefully I will see you there.

  21. Hi Elaine! Thanks for your wise words on my blog today. I really appreciate them!

    That is wonderful about your son. What a sweet yet powerful moment! God bless you!!

  22. It is in the overflow where He pours His oil, it is in the overflow where He shows His all.
    great words from juanita Bynum

  23. I’ve just spent the last 30 minutes or so pouring over your last couple of posts, soaking in your words and rejoicing with you as you celebrate these important birthdays.

    Thank you for allowing the Lord to use you through your experiences and through your wonderful gift of writing to touch the lives of so many. Thank you for touching me!

    Blessings and hugs!

  24. This is beautiful. I look forward to meeting you at She Speaks! I always love reading your insightful comments on Lysa’s blog!blessings,

  25. Such a powerful story and absolutely beautifully written. I have a 1 & 3 year old and am so excited when they start questioning salvation. What a great job you have done with your kids!! What a joy it is to welcome them into the Kingdom of God!!

  26. What a beautiful story! Congratulations! It just can’t get any better than that. 🙂


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