Tuesday Take-Away {Genesis 3:8-9}

Three years ago, I traveled to “She Speaks” with a completed manuscript in hand. And while all of my publisher meetings exceeded my expectations (a.k.a. they enthusiastically took my proposal), weeks later my mailbox was filled with their (what I assume to be) customary rejections. The manuscript I pitched back then is still sitting on my shelf, collecting dust alongside a few other books I’ve written. Today, I reach back in time to re-consider the pulse behind this particular manuscript–a collection of thirty, devotional reflections all centering on the questions of God in Scripture. Questions spoken through his prophets, his Son, and his own voice. Questions given to us as an invitation to join with him in sacred conversation.

I firmly believe that as God presents his questions in Scripture, he means for them to jump off the page to become a question that engages our hearts. So, for today’s Tuesday Take-Away I’d like for you to consider the very first, recorded question from God to his children as found in Genesis 3:8-9:

“Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the LORD God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the LORD God among the trees of the garden. But the LORD God called to the man, ‘Where are you?'”
Where are you today? I’ll tell you where I am. Knee-deep in the midst of words, rambling thoughts, and wrestlings with my faith. I’m also knee-deep in the midst of God’s faithfulness. He is doing a work in me that I never expected; maybe thought about on occasion but never imagined that we would arrive at the point of putting our hands to the plow and some elbow grease to the deeper heart-work that is in front of me. As I reflect on this first question of God to his children in light of where I am this day, I keep these thoughts in mind:
  • God can always be found walking in his garden.
  • We have the privilege of joining him in his walk.
  • We’re always within earshot of his voice.
  • God is always willing to find us, even when we are content to stay hidden.
  • God intends for us to reveal our hiddenness, to name our “spot”, and to stand before him just as we are. Sinners in need of a garden-walking, question-asking, seeking Savior who knows our names and who isn’t content to leave us as we are.
Where are you today, my pilgrim friends? Wherever you are, I pray the sound of his footsteps ringing in your ears and the call of your name lingering on his lips. You are God’s child; he knows you, and he knows how very much you need him. Keep walking toward Eden. It’s closer now than it has ever been. As always…
Peace for the journey,

27 Responses to Tuesday Take-Away {Genesis 3:8-9}

  1. Oh Elaine, how I've missed reading your blog lately. Since I began working full time, I've been unable to read all my favorite blogs. But I'm off today and so glad I read yours. 🙂

    The Lord never gives up on His own. Despite trials and challenges, He is molding us day by day. But how pliable are we?

    You've certainly been through so much since I first began to follow your blog. Who would have guessed all you'd be going through at the time when we were most concerned about losing weight? But God has been with you through it all. And He has been with me through my challenges too.

    Where am I? I am studying Hebrews diligently. I am so ready to live in the rest of God. I'm tired of trying to get my own way. God's way is best and I know that.

    Thank you for sharing from your heart Elaine. Sending you hugs and prayers.

    Blessings and love,

  2. I think in God's "where are you" He desires for us to name the spot we are in….So often we fail to recognize the places that God has us as places where He might desire to use us. Right now, I'm in a good place, feeling like something more is coming, but content to be where I am in this season.

    Blessings friend.

  3. I've had my share of rejections lately too. It's hard to move pasts them at times but like you, I remember that God is with me regardless.

  4. And I wish there was an edit feature on comments so I can correct things like "pasts" to "past"! lol

  5. Oh Elaine,
    What a post for my heart today! Where am I? ON a journey with God learning to break free from perfection and make time for Him in the quiet hours of the morning. I am a work in progress. But this journey is worth it.

  6. Earlier this year, a decision was made that I did not understand. It felt hurtful. And even though I knew it had to be of God… because it was so surprising, it still stung.

    Today, 4 months later, the Lord revealed why the decision was made. If it had turned out the way I thought, then our availability would have been limited. But God knew what was ahead 4 months later… and even through salty tears teaches me that His ways and His thoughts are not mine… but that as I delight myself in Him… He gives me the desires of my heart.

    Love to you!

  7. This passage makes me think of the fact that while the Lord ALWAYS knows where we are, not only physically of course, but emotionally, spiritually, mentally, etc. And yet He still takes the time to call out to us and is soo desiring to be that bridge that we need between us and the Father. Where am I today? Truthfully, this has been a HARD day. Some family issues have made my heart heavy. My reactions to some of it were not as I would have liked them to be. And yet as always I find the strength and comfort and forgiveness that I need in His presence and grace. How grateful I am that even in the midst of days like today He is there calling out to me…gently and with such love. I am forever humbled that I don't have to be that perfect person I soo desire to be, but that He really does love me no matter WHERE I am….Hope you had a good day! HUGS

  8. I haven't been around but was just hugely blessed by your words and reminders. What a great way to begin my day.

  9. Reassuring truth for uncertain times. God remains faithful. No "shadow of turning" with Him!

  10. I seem to be learning to "seek FIRST the Kingdom and His righteousness …" AGAIN. Oh how I get things out of order, expecting Him to walk WITH me (and He does), without my ever having to walk WITH Him.

    Beautiful collection of thoughts here, Elaine. Thank you.

  11. I'm kind of like you, Elaine — rambling thoughts and wrestling in my faith but also blessed by God's faithfulness and love. I'm so glad He wants to know where we are and wants to walk with us in intimate communion. So glad He loves us unconditionally.

    Fyi: I'll be posting some of Kristin's bridal portraits late this afternoon and then I'll do the wedding ones the end of this month and early next month. So much fun sharing photos like these! 🙂

  12. This morning I prayed that I would come to know Him on a deeper, more intimate level. My walk with Him has been an amazing journey, and I've felt His hand on my back so many times.

    Last month, a door opened in such a way that I knew God had opened it. My constant prayer is that He uses me as He sees fit, that He shows me the right doors to walk through and how to walk through them. I want to be His good and faithful servant and become ever more pleasing in His sight.

    It's so great to have found, in you, a friend who feels about God the way I do.

  13. I see a God walking through the perfect creation, missing a relationship…missing it so badly that He relentlessly pursues it.

    I love Him too!

  14. Keep writing dear friend…I am so blessed!1 Passed this on to the ladies in our community Bible study it was so good for us!! Thank you!!

    Praying for you!!

    Believing Him~Pamela

  15. "We have the privilege of joining Him in His walk." What a glorious thought! Yes, when we listen, we can hear His footsteps. Lord, give us ears to hear! Thanks Elaine! You continue to be a deep well to draw from!

  16. Where am I?….busy with my family, busy making a movie with my son and his friends, getting ready to add a little someone to our family….or at least making it official, and busy looking for a '4 foot' friend for said someone….and I'm in need of a walk in the garden….Always a blessing hearing from you!

  17. Where am I today?

    Living one day at a time totally depending on my Lord. Or should I say trying to give up control daily and stop worrying and giving it all to the Lord?

  18. Oh, friend, I am so excited to hear these words. Praying for some special stuff for you and your words in the coming days! Can't wait to see what God has planned for all that "elbow grease"!
    I love you, lady.

  19. Elaine, you have a way with words. Praying your faith is strengthened today, Sweet Sister, even as you encourage us, your readers…

    Blessings ~ Danie

  20. "I'm also knee-deep in the midst of God's faithfulness."

    Yes! Wherever we are we are always there – knee-deep in His faithfulness. And that's a comfort.


  21. Elaine, thank you so much for the thoughts you shared here. It truly is a personal question that God asks of us, if our ears are open to hear it. He wants to locate us, a truly personal gesture.

    There are many answers rising up in my heart to that question.

    I appreciate your words on this post, sharing with us where you are at this point in your life.

    For sure there are many things we do not know about your present situation, but one thing I do know, God is keeping you close to His heart. That's where you are.

    Much love

  22. Where am I tonight? I pray it is on my knees listening for the voice calling in the coolness of the garden…for I have such a difficult task just before me (July 21-25) that I must be dependent on Him to walk me through!!

    For you, my dear friend, I pray peace as you journey again to She Speaks!
    Can't wait to read all about it as it unfolds!

    Love ya, Cindy

  23. Hello Elaine, it has been a while since I visited your blog. I hope you are doing well and strong 🙂

    I just wanted to let you know that there is a young man called Karl, who was in a motorbike accident yesterday, the doctors said the next 72 hours is critical, the prayers needed is for his brain not to swell and for his lungs to be working. I don't know why, but when Linny asked for us to spread the word for intercessors, came into my mind to ask you in case you are able to join in praying for him.

    Thank you 🙂 The information about Karl can be found in

  24. Hi Elaine! I so love reading your words…I am in a difficult spot…this year has not been an easy one and more change is around the corner. But I am continuing to press in to God. I know He has me in the palm of His hands….


  25. wifeforthejourney:

    Here we are on our wedding anniversary; fourteen years of you putting up with me is a MAJOR milestone! You are my help-mate and the greatest encourager I could ever hope to have. Your own walk with Christ inspires me each day, to remember His "near-ness."

    I know God has something special planned for you this weekend and I am so excited to see how "His best" is going to work itself out. Thanks for being God's best in my life!

    Love you,


  26. I love the perspective – God walking with His beloved in the cool of the evening… I can't even begin to express what all this post brings up.

    I hope you are doing well in your arena – walking with God in the difficult season, finding Him always there.

  27. Elaine, I was encouraged in reading this Tuesday take-away…I'm taking away quite a bit of what the Lord has used you to sow today in your message.

    It is amazing that I'm reading this today because it was the Sermon preached (Genesis 3) this past Sunday and the title was: Where are you? Pastor addressed three areas…a different word from what you are sharing here but BOTH are encouraging and challenging which is a blessing!

    Praying for you as you continue your journey Elaine.

    Love and prayers.

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