when Easter comes early …

“The Lord Jesus on the night he was betrayed, took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, ‘This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me.’ In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying, ‘This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me.’ For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes.” -1 Cor. 12:23-25


With tears streaming down my face, I leaned into the bride and whispered,

“What a gift! On the eve of celebrating our Lord’s resurrection, you’ve given me Easter.”

It was their first meal as a married couple – the Lord’s Supper. In response, they fed those of us who gathered as witnesses to this sacred occasion.

Really, I’m undone. Even now, a few hours post-communion, I’m teary-eyed just thinking about it.

A wedding. A bride and groom. The bread and the cup. An altar. Empty hands. A hungry heart.

Tonight, Easter came home to roost in my soul, and God used a couple of unsuspecting servants to administer his amazing grace. I don’t know if they went into this day realizing just how their one servant-act would spill over and fill up my empty cup, but God knew.

How needy I am. How lengthy this Lenten season has been – a few days of longing and living without. A famine of sorts that makes the feasting richer.

This year I started the party a day early, and I don’t think God minds at all. In fact, I think he planned it this way … just so I don’t get all hung up on ritual.

Surprises are the best, and no one orchestrates them better than Jesus …

Two thousand years ago on that first Easter morning and tonight on the eve of world-wide remembrance therein.

Happy, blessed Easter, friends. May the grace of the cross and the reality of the empty tomb rest fully and sweetly in your hearts as you walk to, through, and beyond the tomb.

We are an Easter people living with an Easter Jesus. This is our history; this is our present; this is our tomorrow.

Live it like you mean it, proclaiming the Lord’s death and resurrection every step of the way.

10 Responses to when Easter comes early …

    • This has been a good weekend, friend. So grateful for friends like you who bring light and blossoms to my world.

  1. With Paul, I pray that we will “know Christ and experience the mighty power that raised him from the dead” (Phil. 3:10). Rejoice in GLORIOUS hope this Resurrection Sunday! Because HE lives, we will live also! Hallelujah. Christ arose.

    • I experienced it last night, Rebecca. The memory lingers still …

      Praying God gives you many moments of sweet revelation this week.

    • Wonderful, Marsha. I just love the multiplication, grace-process – how it increases with each word of witness.

  2. Elaine, this is a beautifully written, heart-warming account of a wedding that no one present is likely ever to forget. Thanks for passing on such an experience. Surely, the bride and groom shared their joy in an ideal way.

    May there be peace, delight, beauty, and comfort in your upcoming journey and visits with your family. HAPPY TRAILS!!! Happy Memories. We love you ALL.

  3. “We are an Easter people living with an Easter Jesus.”

    Oh, YES!! Let’s all live in the Truth of that statement. And may we never forget that eternity resides in our hearts!


  4. Those unsolicited glories of the heart are the best! I’ve had a few of them myself, so I recognized the humble, awestruck response of your soul. One I remember so well is when a now 20 year old grandson was about 18 months old. I’d picked him up and was taking him to my house when he fell fast asleep in the car seat adjacent to me (when we could still have them in the front seat). As he was drifting off he reached over and placed his wee hand on my shoulder. As he slept, I bawled ~ so rich was God’s presence & love in that moment.

    So glad to live it with you, sweet friend.

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