
Loose ends.

We all live with some. I don’t imagine there is a day that goes by when a loose thread or two don’t dangle their insistence before our eyes and within our hearts, thereby challenging us to trust in something bigger, Someone bigger, to weave them into the fabric that we call our lives.

I’ve had a thread or two or five or ten over the past few months. Some of them still dangle before me. Some of them, thankfully, have been picked up by the capable hands of Jesus and have begun to add their color to my canvas. I can’t see the fullness of their beauty, not yet. But as a woman of faith—a woman who is learning the road of the “ancients” of Hebrews 11—I’m believing God for their worthiness. It’s all I can do when I cannot see the road in front of me. I can only see the One who leads me, and that is enough for me, friends, for He is my “next.”

It’s been a little over two weeks since I put the final punctuation on the manuscript I began back in August of last year. The idea had been stirring in me for some time, but after walking through a week-long, intentional time of searching my Father’s heart (thanks, Lisa!), God confronted my heart regarding my faith and the lack of it therein. It was during that time, that the topic of my next written work came into clear focus; I’ve spent the past seven months writing that focus and have now completed my thoughts. The tentative title?

On Walkabout with the King: stepping the path of an ancient faith. (You may remember me talking about it here.)

Fifty thousand words and forty reflections later, I am well-pleased with the resulting conclusion. Not the words necessarily, but the work that has been accomplished because of those words in me and that will continue to work through and out of me in the days to come. We cannot delve into the lives of our spiritual ancestors and remain the same. Not really. Certainly we can give them a casual glance, take note of their faith and their “settled confidence” in God, but if we dig deeper for further clarification regarding their faith and how their faith pertains to ours, then we will be changed. It is God’s promise to us.

“This is what the LORD says: ‘Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls. But you said, ‘We will not walk in it.’” (Jeremiah 6:16).

I have found some rest for my soul. I’ve stood at the crossroads and asked for the ancient paths. I’ve seen their faith in living color and applied it to my daily walk. Why? Because I desire nothing more than to be a woman of faith… a woman who steps in the paths of her spiritual ancestors. A woman who isn’t just “all talk” and no “walk.” A woman who isn’t afraid to make the same journey that they made. A woman who is willing to pick up her tent, even as Abraham picked up his tent, pack up her family, in order to keep in step with her King’s directives.

Today marks the beginning of that odyssey, friends. Today, my husband and I stood before our congregation to make the announcement that the Bishop of the United Methodist Church has issued the call for us to move this June. It wasn’t an easy announcement. We’ve invested the past six years of our lives into this church and surrounding community. The work of our hands dwarfs in comparison to the investment that we’ve made with our hearts.

We love our people, and we’ve loved them fully.

It’s not always been perfect. Loving in the flesh always leaves the door open for mistakes on both ends. That being said, we’ve always loved willingly, kindly, and with enough open honesty to admit our frailties in the matter. When love loves that way, then love blooms, and today, my arms aren’t big enough to hold the bouquet that I’ve been given. Today, my bouquet overflows with the witness of the colorful blossoms that have been lavished upon me over the past six years. How thankful I am for the garden that God seeded on my behalf long before my moving van ever crossed the Wayne County line six years ago. How thankful I am for the seeds that he’s planting now somewhere else.

I don’t know where that somewhere else will be friends, nary a clue. We won’t know until the end of April. But God knows, and to a lesser degree the Bishop knows, and that is enough for me. Did you hear me? Just in case you missed it…

God’s knowing is enough for me.

Seven months ago, it might not have been enough, but today, his enough proffers as certainty rather than maybe. If I’ve learned one thing from the “ancients” who are listed in the Hebrews’ Hall of Faith, I’ve learned that our God can be trusted with our futures. Why? Because he is our future, he is our “next,” and I intend on keeping one hand on the hem of his garment and one hand around the waist of my family until his hem crosses me over that finish line, and I find a final and perfect rest for my soul.

It’s all I can do—keep holding on and keep believing in the One whose cloudy pillar is on the move. God has asked a great thing of me; it’s not easy to pack up six lives and move them in accordance with God’s directives. But God’s great asking is in keeping with my faith’s cultivation; he’s not asking anything of me that he didn’t ask of his people long ago. And so, like those from my spiritual lineage, I cast my eyes to the horizon this night and remember that I am but a stranger on loan to this alien country. That there is a better country coming, and that this one isn’t it. This one only serves as the bridge between what has been and what will be. And the steps taken in between the two?

The walkabout of faith.

I’m on it; so is my family. So are you, and so is our King. He can be trusted with the road ahead, so let us all take hold of his hem and press on, believing that the “what and the where” that is to come is exactly the journey he has intended for us all along.

Sweet trust. Sweet rest. Continuing…

peace for the journey.


Copyright © March 2010 – Elaine Olsen

37 Responses to walkabout…

  1. I know this announcement was probably a difficult one to make. Moving is never easy, is it? But like you, with all my moves, I can see why God would allow it and make it come to pass.
    Is it okay if I pray that FLorida is your next stopover??

  2. I'm actually in tears (no easy feat!) because, as you know, we were just called to pack up and move as well. Numbers 9 has been what I am clinging to – whether a day, two months or a year – if the cloud moved, Israel moved.

    I want to be the type of woman who is constantly, consistently and wholeheartedly pursuing her God.

    It won't be easy, again. We aren't going home to NY, again. But His Word is enough for me. I trust Him.

    Praying for you, Elaine.

  3. This must be an emotional day for you and your family. Please know that your strength in not knowing and faith in the One who knows all has inspired me this day.

  4. Well said, my friend. Knowing that God will be with you every step of your journey – wherever that may be – is such a comfort.

    I just wish I could've persuaded Billy to consider the Holston Conference! 😉

    Love you,

  5. As always, I'm humbled by your faith, your yielded heart and trust in the One who holds everything in His hands. I can only imagine the ties you've formed with your flock in the time you've served them and how hard it must have been to stand before them today with such an announcement.

    We've bid farewell to several well-loved pastors in the last 15 years at our church and it's never easy. Trusting God's hand is certainly key, and there is no doubt you do. Know that I'll be praying for you my friend. Praying too for your current and soon-to-be church family.

    Much love,

  6. Change is in the air! So many are in the midst of it, and those who aren't right now… probably will be again. But your words here cover all of it, the change is in His hands, and so are you!

    Even so…. I can't wait to see what He brings next for you and your precious family.



  7. Elaine,

    You've been on my heart and all last week during the conference you were in my prayers as well. I ran over here tonight to love on you.

    I've read your heart words and I know just as you do that GOD has something incredible in store for you, your hubby and family in your continued journey.

    You've sown the seeds of your love and work unto the LORD into His people whom He allowed you to love and serve and I'm sure friend you both did it with all of your heart and transparency in the Lord.


    a continued journey…

    and as you said…
    "God’s knowing is enough for me."

    There is great rest in that. I remain in prayer with and for you and your family.

    Love you my friend. Keep pressing forward in Peace.

  8. I've been away for a while, but one thing hasn't changed–God has always had us on parallel paths. How we got here is different, but I'm in the waiting and not knowing phase too (have been since fall!). I will be praying for you as you conclude the ministry you're in and await the one to come. You have a precious heart that blesses so many.

    (And congratulations on completing your manuscript! I know the labor of that journey and the satisfaction that comes from the accomplishment. I'll watch with expectant interest to see what comes next.)

    Love and blessings friend.


  9. As I was out for my early morning walk, you came to mind. Knowing today would be a tough one, I prayed aloud that you'd be courageous & sturdy.

    I know the unfolding chapter will be amazing for you and your family. You've stepped thousands of steps along that ancient path already, and your trajectory is well established.

    Looking forward to the big "reveal".


  10. Been prayng for y'all all day, sweet friend. Our associate minister finds out in the morning his new appointment. This is a difficult time, but one that God has close to His heart. Praying that God places you both where He needs you the most. I'll talk to you soon.

    And….oh "smart" one, we do have fat issues at my house! Just wait until bathing suit weather—scary!!

    Love you!

  11. "God’s knowing is enough for me."

    God's knowing is enough…

    God knows…

    and will supply the "peace for your journey"

    Thank you for sharing your walk…you are an inspiration!

  12. "the bridge between what has been and what will be. And the steps taken in between the two."
    Yes, Yes,! That's exactly what it is a 'bridge'. The bridge is the connector between the two. As you know, I've seen the bridge in my dreams. The Lord is on it – It is on this bridge where His intended purpose blooms – His provision abounds – His Grace renews – His promises are revealed. It is an awesome place to be. I am praying for your continued journey…I see Him calling from the shore line. HIs plans for you and your family are written in the sky. He's already prepared a place for you and your family. I am so joyful that you can rest in Him for the next leg of the journey.

    God bless you all. I'm a daughter of a methodist preacher – I know the task before you can be exhausting and stressful. I cover you with prayerful protection for these forthcoming months – God is good! God is faithful! God has prepared you for such a time as this!!

    Blessings go before you – rest in His peace for the journey

    Patrina <")>><
    His watchman on the wall

  13. Dear friend, I can only imagine you are going through a lot of emotions today. Looking back… looking forward.

    You're in my prayers.

    (How does Portland, Oregon look?)

  14. All that matters is that God knows and is in control. We're all in God's mission field and He "will" use us for His purpose one way or another. Amen and amen.

  15. Hi Elaine. Talk about moving…my family and I are also at the verge of relocating to another country in a couple of months. We have no clear picture yet in which part of that country the Lord has prepared for us. Hence, I fully identify with the inside of your WALKABOUT with God. But, I thank God…that you and I can trust Him to give and show us the right direction to take for the NEXT in our lives.

    I will be praying for you and your family. You have been a blessing to me.

    Love, Gladwell

  16. Oh Elaine…my heart and prayers have been with you throughout this weekend. There is just so much in this post that is ministering my heart. Although I'm not currently making a physical move, God is moving me…moving me closer to Him…moving me to follow Him…moving me to trust deeper…moving me in obedience to His Word.

    "He can be trusted with the road ahead, so let us all take hold of his hem and press on, believing that the 'what and the where' that is to come is exactly the journey he has intended for us all along."

    Tears my friend. God's Word is speaking.

    Longing He would move you here, or at least a few hours closer 🙂 but knowing I will spend all of eternity enjoying your friendship.


  17. Your faith is inspiring, Elaine.
    Yes. God knows. And that's enough. HE is enough.
    And knowing that Truth does bring peace for the journey. Amen?
    So thankful with all the changes in our lives here on earth, we can know that God NEVER changes!
    And I will pray for Michigan to be your next stop! *grin*

  18. Praise God, Elaine!!! Just praise God! I am giving thanks for what He is doing in your lives over there and where He will use you next. God has moved us every 2 years for the past 16 years. This summer we will move back "home" to the states for some time on furlough. It really changes your perspective on life and I feel so honored to be called to this kind of life. I am just praising God for the evidence you give of Him in your life! (Congrats on getting your manuscript finished too! Can't wait to see it!)

  19. Your posts sums up the title of your blog "Peace for the Journey!" You have it Elaine and it is so evident in your writing. I just have chills (God bumps not goose bumps) after reading your post. So much just resounded with my heart; but especially " A woman who isn’t afraid to make the same journey that they made" is where I am today. Too long I've lived at the corner of Coward Road Elaine and have a renewed sense of faith and doing the hard things that God calls me to do. Your attitude and encouragement in the faith has rallied me on this morning.

    With love and prayers as you continue to walk in and share peace in your journey,

  20. Well, this just means that God has new people for you and Billy to touch!! I am sure it won't be easy, as you leave behind friends and church family, but God will help you through it!! Darn it anyway, I wanted to come for a visit!!!! Maybe…it will be closer!!

    Sending love and hugs your way! Congrats on the finished product! Can't wait to get my hands on it!!

    Love ya sister!!


  21. Wow, big stuff happening in your family right now, Elaine. Love your attitude about it all — trust and rest in Him. No better way. And how blessed we are to be able to trust and rest in our faithful Father…

    Also, congrats on the completion of your manuscript! May God continue to lead and bless your writing efforts.

    Love and prayers, my friend, as you go forward with Him in every area of your life. Have a great week!

  22. Those are the hardest days when we have to stand before the people we love and have poured our life into and tell them a farewell is coming. I know it must have been full of many emotions for you and your family.

    I have stood many times where you stood yesterday. I have always found it so difficult to brace myself against the winds of change. And therein is the issue. Bracing. It's not a good thing!

    You, however, in you walk with Jesus and godly wisdom, have realized the joy and beauty of letting go and letting God. And your surrender to His journey for you and your beloved family will be so rewarding as you yield to a new season for your lives.

    I know the Lord has a wonderful walk ahead of you! The sadness of your now heart will bloom into a lovely bouquet of new ministry. Who knows what lovely things the Lord has planned?

    I am looking forward to reading your work! I will pour through its pages and soak in its wisdom.

    Much love,


  23. I will be praying for you as you wait to see where God is going to plant you. Congrats on your writing being done. Your words as always touch my heart.

    blessings my friend

  24. Dearest Elaine…
    With tears streaming down my face I reflect on the scriptures that God has put on my heart for my today (March 22) Jeremiah 29:11 & Romans 8:28. They are so appropriate for my "today" and what I have encountered since 6:00am this morning and also for your next chapter. I will pray for you, Billy and the family – I am anxious to hear where the Lord leads you (can I selfishly say it would be wonderful if He would transplant you to Indpls?) 🙂

    Once again the words from a favorite Twila Paris song of mine also spring into my head…

    "… and this is where I stand until He moves me on, and I will listen to His voice" You are a good listener my friend!

    Much love to you!!!!

  25. WOW!!!! Jeremiah 6:16 was the verse that God used to move in John's heart when we figured out He was calling us to pick up and move and turn our whole lives around… incredible!! God is so faithful and has brought you so far … He will prove Himself again and again to you

  26. Oh, those announcements are bittersweet. Hard to leave, but also exciting to enter a new ministry place.

    I am praying for you sweet Elaine.

  27. Ah, yes, dangling threads. I am feeling a bit frayed myself at this moment. I can't help but think this trip of mine has caused a bit of unraveling that wasn't expected. Not sure what my next is either but I am grateful for your words and your faith.

    Our lives are walkabouts of faith. I will pray for your journey and the new path ahead.


  28. I feel like I'm coming in on the tail end of something here…I wonder how long you've known and had to "sit with it"??? (I hope not very long.)

    "We love our people, and we’ve loved them fully". Thus the pain and sadness in leaving….But what a wonderful gift you've given your congregation and WILL give the next one! "The greatest of these IS love!"

    We've been with our congregation about six years. Gary closes every service saying with sincerity, "I love you, South Scipio". In many ways we are just getting to really know many of our people. Still I sometimes get the feeling we are being prepared for a new place….

    My prayers are for you as you tie up loose ends in the days to come. SO thankful WITH you that the manuscript is complete!

  29. Oh Elaine….what an encouragement and a blessing this post is today! To see how you are content just to know that wherever you may end up that God will be with you. In face He goes before you doesn't He! Looking forward to seeing what God does in and through you as you make this move and begin to nurture and bless that new congregation whoever and wherever they may be!

    Love you sister!

    Marilyn…in Mississippi

  30. Faith Elaine! Things make a little more sense now. Saying goodbye is never easy. Your faith is a beautiful thing. The cloud is indeed on the move. I'm excited to see where God takes you next on this love-journey.

    I know you'll be taking a lot of that with you when you go…love.

  31. Ordered steps upon ancient paths……

    I'll be praying for you and your family and clinging with you onto the hem of His garment.

    He is Faithful!

    Sweet Blessings!

  32. Elaine, Thank you for your words left at my blog and your prayers. Funny how God does what He does sometimes. I've learned not to trust in what He is doing but in who He is….

    Looks like he's on the move in your life… YAY. A new adventure awaits. I wonder what He will do in this next season.

    Thanks again for your words, they blessed

  33. I am always amazed when I come and sit a spell at the beauty of the words that flow from your heart.


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