The Mirrored "Truth"

The Mirrored "Truth"

“When Sanballet heard that we were rebuilding the wall, he became angry and was greatly incensed. He ridiculed the Jews, and in the presence of his associates and the army of Samaria, he said, ‘What are those feeble Jews doing? Will they restore their wall? Will they offer sacrifices? Will they finish in a day? Can they bring the stones back to life from those heaps of rubble—burned as they are?’” (Nehemiah 4:1-2).

I read her words this morning. They immediately paused my spirit and required my notice. I will be buying her book. I have no idea the format for the book, but I know a good writer when I read one. Words move me. Spin me. Challenge me and speak to the deepest need within me. And when a writer can do that with just a few sentences, it catches my breath and enlivens my spirit with a passion for the read.

This kind of pull creates an interesting mix of emotions for me. I celebrate her gift. I appreciate her gift. I have no doubts that I will enjoy her gift of words in the days to come. That being said, when I read the obvious giftings of another writer’s pen, I sometimes wonder why I bother with my own.

And while I am overjoyed with the thought of digging into another good read, I look in my own mirror this day with thoughts of confusion. Thoughts of pain. Thoughts that dig at the root of my own giftedness and the reality that there is still so much I want to say, while feeling so ill-qualified to do so.

When I look at my reflection, I don’t see possibility. Today, I see less. I see brokenness … rejection … failure. I see a 42 year old woman who allows herself the taunt of the enemy, even as it voiced over 2500 years ago to Nehemiah and God’s people.

What is your feeble flesh trying to do, Elaine?
Will you restore your wall?
Will you bring your limited giftings … your sacrifices … as an offering to God?
Will you finish in a day? After all, we’re at 42 years and still counting…
Can you bring your stones back to life … your heaps of rubble, burned as they are—fractured, splintered and unworthy of notice?

The moment paints grim. I know. I’m sorry if it bothers you, but I imagine that you have authored your own share of such moments.

It won’t last. God’s work and Word in my life are too powerful … too willing and too truthful to let the lies of the enemy own the stage. When God looks in my mirror, his perspective is different from mine. This is a very good thing, for I am prone to my confusion when it comes to reasoning the difference between God’s truth and the enemy’s version therein.

In my own strength, and in my own willful pursuits for healing, my feeble flesh will fail. My wall will never know restoration. My giftings will remain as they are—limited. I cannot finish in a day what has taken some four decades to build. And above all, I cannot breathe life into my stones of rubble that have known deep fracture and heated burn. I can try, but honestly, my efforts at restoration haven’t moved me beyond moments like today. I’m still looking in the mirror with regrets. I can do very little to change the condition of life.

But God can do it all. Everything. He is the one who holds the blueprints for my life. And for all of the times when I see the fracture and burn of a disobedient life, he visions better. He sees promise. Rather than casting my rubbled remnants aside, he lovingly picks them up, dusts them off, and breathes his healing into their broken. He uses the stones of my yesterday to rebuild the walls of my today.

I am a living stone being built into a spiritual household that will endure the test of time and survive the vicious taunts of the enemy.

Oh that my healing would walk its course in a day’s time. That would be lovely and seemingly picture perfect. But God never intended for my perfection to author in a day. Lasting beauty births with the brushstrokes of longevity. The colors in my Father’s palette paint living and vivid and real. He seeds my restoration according to his time table, not mine. I cannot understand his wisdom in the matter, but I humbly respect it and bow to accept it. Not out of resignation because I am unable to force his hand in the matter, but rather because his grace has been so willing to paint me into his eternal landscape.

I am the penchant of my Father’s heart. A true work in progress. Some would say, I’m not worthy of Louvre Museum. And I would say that I’m not after the Louvre.

I’m after Jesus.

And if my portrait never makes the front page here, it has already made the front page in heaven. In part, on the day when Calvary painted its cross on a hillside. In part, on the day I accepted the grace of that cross as my own. In full, on another day yet to come when God’s words, via his pen, will punctuate his well done on my behalf.

There is nothing else that matters, even though the world begs to differ. Even though I beg to differ in times like these, when I focus on my failing flesh rather than the masterpiece that God is after. I know the truth. I love God’s truth, but there are seasons in my journey when living truth’s depth and breadth is the hardest requirement of my feeble faith.
Such has been my week. Maybe yours too. Thus, I pray…

You alone, Father, make me worthy. You, living in me, allow my brokenness to know healing. My failures to find purpose. My sacrifices to breathe acceptable. My restoration to be complete. Forgive me when I can’t see your grace at work and enable me to receive it, even when the mirror breaks in temporal rebellion. You have died for my freedom, for my beauty and my renewal. Paint me complete, and grant me the patience for the process. Today, once again, I surrender the brush. Amen.

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Copyright © October 2008 – Elaine Olsen. All rights reserved.

43 Responses to The Mirrored "Truth"

  1. Oh Elaine, your words are beautiful, as are you. I just read this morning these words: “With all our talk of worship, unity, reconciliation, love, and the power of God, we have bypassed the essential ingredient that makes these things possible…the need for brokenness and humility.”

    Through the cracks of brokenness His beauty grows, my friend. In your life, I see it peeping through.

  2. It’s interesting that you write of your quest for healing in the same breath as you question the efforts with your words. I recently had the opportunity to meet a (none one more surprised than he) much selling author who made the point that he could never have written his book had he not come to a place of healing.

    At the same time, shelves and platforms are filled with messages from people who God has used in and through their brokenness; who are still on a quest for their own healing.

    Dear Elaine, your words are used to minister to hearts as daily as you write them. You may have dreams for other methods of delivery–God may have planted those desires in your heart–don’t doubt the gift and the impact even though it has yet been realized in the way you envision.

    You’re right, with God it is all possible. He will bring the work to completion in the manner and the timing that brings greatest glory to Himself. And after seeing your heart written on these ‘pages,’ I know that’s what you long for more than anything.

    May you truly have His peace on even this portion of your journey!

  3. “But God can do it all. Everything. He is the one who holds the blueprints for my life. And for all of the times when I see the fracture and burn of a disobedient life, he visions better.”…
    You spoke my very heart. In the very WEEK I am weak. Having been asked to do something that I feel SO unqualified for…I pause. But then I promised Him. So…I go on.

    What could I possibly have to tell? That one of them could not tell better….has even told better? I would love your prayers. For in 28 days, I do the very thing I “told” Him not to ask of me. Huummmph. Yeah. Right. I know. VERY very wrong of me.

    Just pray. When I have a minute…I will e-mail you the rest.

    I love you and APPRECIATE you and long for more visiting time. Like it is…I snatched this one and only visit this morning because I felt DRAWN. It’s just a fraction after 6. Suppose He planned and timed this visit? I KNOW He does that for my life. YOU were the vessel and tool. THANK YOU.

  4. Oh my friend, this is so beautiful. I echo what “refreshmom” wrote above. Elaine, God is using you…using your life…using His words through your pen…to touch others. You call me to such a deeper walk with the Lord. You have me longing for more of Him every time I read you.

    I have so often shared these thoughts. Just recently I read Ecc 12:12, “Of making many books there is no end, and much study wearies the body.” That verse dried up something within me. Feeling intimidated, I can’t measure up to that task. Walking into a bookstore I look around, overwhelmed with the thought, “what could I possibly write that hasn’t already been written.” Slowly the dream has been dying.

    This morning I read of Herod on the hunt to kill Jesus. I thought of “Herod’s” in my life that have come to try and kill life in me, passions in me, dreams in me. Praying God will give me courage to respond as Christ did, “I will reach my goal” (Luke 13:32 NIV)

    “He uses the stones of my yesterday to rebuild the walls of my today.”

    Needing the Hand of the Architect to gently begin His restoration in my life.

    In surrender,

  5. I MUST say one more thing. I have just watched the video. He nudged you to put that. I felt it, as the tears pooled and poured. My heart’s cry.

    Give me Jesus.

  6. Dear Elaine,
    How beautiful and timely! I know that you do not know me, but you echo my heart – many hearts – that feel unuseable, unable, unqualified. But praise God that is who He chooses to work through! Broken vessels let out more light!! Thank you for always sharing your heart and I will close with a scripture that God put on my heart for you this morning:
    Psalm 92:12-15 Amplified
    The [uncompromisingly] righteous shall flourish like the palm tree [be long-lived, stately, upright, useful, and fruitful]; they shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon [majestic, stable, durable, and incorruptible]. Planted in the house of the Lord, they shall flourish in the courts of our God. [Growing in grace] they shall still bring forth fruit in old age; they shall be full of sap [spiritual vitality] and [rich in the] verdure [of trust, love, and contentment]. [They shall be as living memorials] to show that the Lord is upright and faithful to His promises; He is my Rock, and there is no unrighteousness in Him.

    Praise Him today for His long-suffering with us;for His grace, mercy, and purpose upon, in and through our lives.
    In His love and hope,
    [email protected]

  7. I have been where you are and I don’t know how to tell you but hang on cause God is using your words and your thoughts to touch many people around you–especially in the times when you think you might not be!

  8. And, Elaine, I am sure you well remember how that wall was rebuilt:

    “… the people worked with all their heart … each to his own work.” (Nehemiah 4:6, 15)

    Working together, side by side, each took responsibility for rebuilding the portion, which was assigned them … mostly the part of the wall in front of their own residence. (

    And, with their eyes on the Lord, and their hands on the task at hand, the wall was rebuilt in record time … despite the opposition.

    May He richly bless your faithfulness and humbleness, dear friend, as you mirror His image and serve as His living stone … right where He’s planted you, with the portion He’s given you.

  9. Your pen is anointed. Period. No, one more thing: You minister to me in the deepest parts through the gift God has given you. Thank you.

  10. Oh, Elaine. This is so beautiful–and yes, you are speaking directly to me. I have been down that road, but isn’t it wonderful to know that our brokenness is God’s most useful tool? You minister to me EACH time you share God’s heart with me. Blessings, my dear friend.

  11. I’ve not been here in a while (too busy) but today I took the time. It is my lunch break at work, and I want you to know that I so needed that word. As soon as I read the scripture I knew it was for me.

    The enemy is mad, he does not want us to rebuild. And at every turn he is nagging at us.

    You know he is right partially. That is the way he works . . . telling 1/2 truths. But what he hopes I don’t do is grab hold to the other 1/2 of that truth. The 1/2 that will see me through to the day of perfection.

    I agree with the enemy . . . alone I cannot rebuild what was broken before I was ever born . . . BUT GOD . . . can . . . and will!

    Amen! Praise Him! Praise Him!

    Everything is made beautiful in its own time. HIS TIME.

    Thank you Elaine ~ I love you.

  12. Elaine, after a particularly painful writing rejection, I had many of the same thoughts you’ve expressed. I thought, “Who do you think you are to be trying to be a writer?” “Good grief, you’re 53 years old…”, etc. Like you said, the enemy’s taunts. But praise God when we recognize them, and He strengthens us to stand against them. Press on, press on, right?

    Also, thank you so much for that beautiful reminder of “Give Me Jesus”. I love that song. How it ministers!

  13. After dealing with a long string of hurtful things that have happened to me in the last 5 or 6 months, the image that I see looking back at me in the mirror (most of the time) is quite distorted to say the least. I am so thankful that God still sees in me all He created me to be, because I don’t see it a lot of the time. The enemy is very good at his job of discouragement, I am sorry to say.

    But at the end of the day (and my frequent pity parties), the Bible says that (paraphrased, of course), “I was created in His image.” We are all created in His image. That being the case, when I am seeing too many distortions I have to just turn away from the mirror and trust in what God sees…not what I think I see. It is not easy to do, but I get up each morning and keep trying and trying.

    Beautiful words, Elaine.
    God bless you, friend.

  14. Elaine, That was awesome writing. Ironic, I just recently went on a retreat with a church group last weekend Oct 11-12. we studied Nehemiah 1-6, in lieu of problem solving. The verses you quoted talks about the opposition.
    What does God want me to do? Concern.
    1. What Do I need
    2. what is the opposition
    3. What do I need to do?
    4. Who can Help me?

    God Bless

    Tim 🙂

  15. Elaine,

    This post is really thought-provoking. If you are after the Lord, you are soo not a failure! It is a lifelong journey to wholeness for all of us, I think. I know that as long as we love Him and obey Him whatever He tells us to do, then that’s all that matters. If He chose you for salvation, then He definitely has plans for your life. Jer. 29:11. I am glad that you are transparent with us. I know that God loves us all-He’s working in you, in all of His own, refining us to make us what we ought to be.

    Love in CHRIST,


  16. I do believe that the body of Christ goes through similar things at the same time. I imagine satan sending out a memo…and all his demons attack in the same way.

    It is not funny but interesting that MelanieJoy and I were talking about some of the same things as in your post.Our question…when will we finally get it? Why could He not just zap us and we “have it”?
    My answer….these times are not just for now. They are for eternity. I fully believe that He is preparing us for eternity. Not that He will not use us for His glory here…but these times of growth are preparing us to rule and reign with Him. My belief.
    So we look at these times and we know that as we struggle….we are being trained. Training before we get on the job. Our character is being molded. I know you know this.
    It is funny but the last two weeks I have noticed that I have massively been attacked in my thoughts concerning myself. So much so that I wanted to make an excuse not to go south for the wedding. I finally talked to Keith and told him what was going on.
    The attack is getting lighter now. I know how the enemy can feed my thoughts. I am one by one replacing those thoughts with the truth. And as one of his territories falls….I see him switching his mode of attack.

    and after having done all to stand…STAND!
    Growing pains are coming or maybe they are already here. 😉

    One more thing…. 🙂
    Have you ever wondered if Pauls thorn in the flesh was a feeling of unworthiness? He knew the truth…but what if during the hard times that is what satan attacked him with. Look what he accomplished for God’s glory. Maybe it kept his feet on the ground. Just a thought.

  17. I read that quote from Nehemiah and thought of a talk I gave last spring. At the time, the quote was powerful, so powerful for me. It still is.

    Thanks for stopping by Seedlings in Stone. I had seen your lovely comment over at Heidi’s and was very touched by it. Your words at my blog were equally encouraging.

    And you… you! Also a woman of words. I know a good writer when I read one. 🙂

  18. Hi Elaine,
    I’ve avoided looking in the mirror for some time now, for I fear I will see what I feel. My face has always reflected my emotions. No stoicism in my DNA, I’m afraid.
    In fact, I put that piece of writing I sent you ‘away’, asking myself, ‘why bother?’…

    Then I just remembered that a friend who wrote her first book mentioned me in her acknowledgements as saying that there was noone else who had exactly the same message, same experience, same lesson that she was given by God, that her slant was unique. How odd is that when I question my ‘contribution’ every single day as a ‘so what?’
    As always, you’re my ‘female Spurgeon’..always getting to my heart with slow chewing..
    thank you and blessings on you this rainy night here in Toronto.
    Love, Sita

  19. Elaine~ I think we all fight the demons of brokeness and failure at some point in our lives. Last night at Bible study we were discussing that we are all laborers of the Lord in our own way, and even though others may not recognize it, he does. He has gifted us all in different ways and calls us to use those gifts for his kingdom. We come from different paths and travel different journeys and we will encounter different people with different needs. It is our charge to minister to those people using our gifts. That is why we are unique in our gifts. Yours is truly a gift, much different from mine, and that is why we touch different people. I thank God for you Elaine and the way you touch other’s and the healing you bring to their lives.

  20. Dear Hogfarmer (I hate typing that…sounds so impersonal):

    Thanks for your comments. My email is completely on the fritz today and leaves me unable to comment to you personally. Thank you for your encouragement and willingness to speak truth into my heart.

    You are welcome here anytime!

  21. Elaine-when you said “I will be buying her book. I have no idea the format for the book, but I know a good writer when I read one. Words move me. Spin me. Challenge me and speak to the deepest need within me. And when a writer can do that with just a few sentences, it catches my breath and enlivens my spirit with a passion for the read.” that is how I feel about your writings! Your words challenge me and inspire me. I expect nothing less when I stop by here.
    You are a blessing! You are beautiful!!

    In His Graces~Pamela

  22. Sometimes I think one of Satan’s biggest tricks is to get us staring in that mirror in the first place. The longer we stare, the more wrinkles he can show us. They really are there, after all, and when he points to them, we can’t deny them.

    But then we do what you do so well. We turn the mirror around until it reflects His light to those around us. Then our wrinkles don’t matter at all.

    Keep reflecting Him from where you are. No one else is standing right there, able to brighten the spot assigned to you. It’s yours to brighten with His reflected light. And you do it well, my sister.

    Hugs from another broken one!

  23. You’re after Jesus, and He’s most certainly after you. I was mesmerized by your words today, Elaine. I plan to spend a lot of time here dreaming with you, cheering you on, and praying my fool heart out for your dreams to be achieved.

    Only God can plant the seeds of want in us for the things of His kingdom, and He has most certainly done that in you. I will pray that they flourish in His time, and that you rest in His peace every step of the way.

    I agree that your words are used daily to minister to others. Even when they seem overlooked or unnoticed, take heart in knowing that God doesn’t allow any of His gifts to go to waste or to come back to Him empty. Thank you for having a heart for Him — it’s so completely obvious in your words!

    And thank you for your precious comments in my blog today that gave me so much encouragement.

    Blessings, my newfound friend.

  24. Hey, Elaine!

    I hope that by listening to the words from these comments you realize that we all are in agreement: God has blessed you with the gift of wrting. Oh, my word, child!(Since I’m older, I can say that:)!!)Your writing touches the very souls in us! We hear God through your words. We see Him in your thoughts that you pen! You are in a hard place right now; you won’t stay there long–God will gently take you by the hand and guide you to where He needs you to be. And, we’ll be waiting. That’s what friends do.

    Love you!

  25. Elaine,
    How strange is it that I read your blog today and last night we studied Nehemiah in our Bible study. (I never even heard of Sanballat before then.)

    Unfortunately there are Sanballats all around us. People who stand on the sidelines and ridicule, mock, discourage and often try to derail our plans. Nehemiah wasn’t discouraged because he knew the hand of God was on his plans. We certainly should follow Nehemiah’s example.

    It was amid the broken, crumbling walls of Jerusalem that God provided rebuilding and restoration that was nothing short of a miracle.

    If He can do that with bricks and mortar imagine what He can do with the crumbling walls of our spirits.

    Blessings to you,

  26. Today was my first visit to your blog. It is nice to meet you. 🙂

    What a beautiful video. Thank you for sharing that. I enjoyed reading your blog today, and I enjoyed seeing you on my blog as well.

    Blessings to you this evening. I’ll come back and visit again.
    Lynnette 🙂

  27. My friend, how I love to see your face! Yes, it is a journey. I walk it with you. I am getting ready to head to a women’s retreat tomorrow and have been busy with preparations all week. I am praying for some Word during this time. You inspire me, friend. You are a precious gift to us all.

  28. Your pen is powerful! This was absolutely riveting and provoking. It is to easy for us to compare our giftings with another and allow for lies and taunts to weaken us. However, when we can fully grasp that “He uses the stones of my yesterday to rebuild the walls of my today.” and release ourselves to Him…Oh what beauty our lives will author!

  29. P.S.

    I’ve “tagged” you on my blog site.

    Quite a few of the ladies in my church are having some fun with it, so I decided I’d join them.

    Don’t be surprised if some new suspects show up to visit your site (they’ll be blessed if they do)!


  30. Elaine… thanks for sharing your reality… we don’t talk about it much… so we tend to forget that we are not alone in our problems and trials… Blessings!

    Romans 5:3-5 (NLT)

    We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance.

    And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation.

    And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love.

  31. Thanks for sharing the ache in your heart this week. Know that your words bless, challenge, refresh, teach and humble me unlike anyone else. Your anointing is unmistakeable.

    When the enemy gets to us through discouragement, even something so amazing as your impact on lives here isn’t enough to fill the human longings of your heart. God knows that, too (as you well know). He sees your faithfulness admidst your disappointment, and He is faithful. Continue seeking and surrendering your gifts to Him. The beauty of His light through your brokenness is doing a mighty work…both here and I suspect in your heart, as well.


  32. Sweet friend,

    I hope the words of these friends have rubbed a soothing balm to your raw heart. I pray that in your heart’s cry to “give me Jesus”, the wounds of the enemy would be touched and instantly healed, strengthening you beyond yourself to continue down your road.

    It’s a beautiful road, Elaine, which many of us are privileged to walk with you.

    Love you friend,

  33. I love this picture of you looking in the mirror. I see His Light on your face. When we look to the one true mirror…Him…we will see ourselves how He sees us.

    Dear Heavenly Father thank you for creating Elaine in your awesome image. May she know all of who she is found in You and You alone-Amen

  34. Elaine, after writing that last post with tears pouring down as I sang to Him, “You fill up my senses…”, I realize that the only time I have truly felt ‘beautiful’ was when He allowed me to look into His eyes..therein was the Truth…the mirrored “Truth..”…thank you for ‘taking me back’…

  35. Hi Elain,
    It is so very nice to meet you. Thank you for stopping by my blog. Your words of encouragement and comments made my day and atttitude a little brighter today.

    As I looked around your blog I am in awe at what God is doing through you.

    Your first sentences were my own reaction to you.

    I am just beginning this lourney of writing and speaking. It seems like a tiny cottonwood seed type dream at time one you watch the wind blow but can you really catch it? Is God going to plant that deam in fertile soil or is it mine and not His so that it forever floats out there unattainable. And honestly if it is not His I don’t want it!

    I have been to Wilmore, KY! I went to Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville and worked as the Kentucky Baptist Convention’s consultant on Special Education for 10 years. I did conferences all over the state and I remember Wilmore. I now live in South Carolina, but I loved KY.
    I met my husband at seminary there. He is a baptist minister working for the Billy Graham Association.
    We are in the process of becoming church planters. It is a journey we are both excited about and anxious.
    I know this is long, so thanks for your time and the chat.

    I will come visit again and I promise no more long comments.

    Pamela R.

  36. I’m after Jesus right along with you 🙂

    Thanks for popping over and leaving a comment on my blog! I really appreciate it 🙂

    I sure hope you have a wonderful and lovely weekend 🙂

    – Kate

  37. Elaine,
    Dear friend… you are not a failure. You are pursuing the Lord! He invades your heart and you share it so well. Are your dreams His dreams? If they are, He will bring it to fruition when it’s His perfect timing. Hold on to the hem of His garment. Don’t let the enemy use what brings you joy bring you sadness, questions of worthiness… You are a true servant, a true witness to our Lord Jesus. You are published… right here on the internet. 🙂
    With Love in Him!

  38. You are beautiful. A heart full of Him. You are published on this world wide web, words of life. Words of Jesus. They echo out into the far corners of this world.

    This video and song captured my heart. I love the truth, Just Give Me Jesus. Everything else is nothing compared to knowing my Lord

    Love your honesty. Thankful to call you my friend.

  39. As an onion is growing in the ground… each layer represents that of our belief…

    one might be the hurt and belief of a wound from a “well-meaning” teacher, parent, sibling, friend, nonetheless, our interpretation is as it is… we were hurt. so each layer is tacked on.

    one day, we desire that sweet and tender relationship with HIM…

    so we begin the process of removing each layer of the onion. little by little we peel the layers.

    and then, one day, we reach the sweet center– we our precious Savior awaits us.

    Could we cut right to the center? not really.. not without damaging the center…

    savor each bit..savor the process and enjoy, learn from each moment…

    your own words.. it took 4 decades…see what God has to give… I had posted a cartoon that was so powerful..

    Thank you for your powerful words

    Love to you

  40. Oh Elaine…

    Sorry it’s been awhile since I’ve been by.

    After reading this I wish we lived much closer, I’d be over to sit with you and chat, and give you a great big hug!

    It’s obvious what your heart desires are, God truly has given you the gift you have…for a purpose!

    Right now, I’m just blessed you have the time to enrich our lives by using your gift here. (I know this is selfish!)

    Thanks for sharing your heart with us.

    “…in quietness and trust shall be your strength…the Lord longs to be gracious to you…Blessed are all who wait for Him” (Isaiah 30:15, 18)

    Waiting with you,


  41. “You alone, Fathter, make me worthy.”

    Isn’t that the truth!?!?

    Each and every time I read (and re-read!) your words all I can think to describe you is “scribe to the King”. I hope that even for a second it is not lost on you that you do minister with your writing. You write with honesty and beauty. Two things that move my heart into further pursuit of Him.

    I think this is why I think and pray for you often: I feel this way too specifically in the realm of writing.

    Nehemiah and I are good pals. ; ) I’ve read his story over and over and over as I’ve gotten deeper into my calling. Nehemiah 6:9 has been an anthem of mine for years:

    “They were all trying to frighten us, thinking, “Their hands will get too weak for the work, and it will not be completed.”
    But I prayed, “Now strengthen my hands.”

    For you, today as I have so many times for myself, I pray , “Now strengthen her hands.”

    It will be completed. It will be.

  42. wifeforthejourney:

    Thank you for your words of correction to a heart that has been all to often “prone to wander,” in the things that matter least. How do I need to set my sights well above and beyond the Louvre. To often I have sought and settled for the praise of man over the approval of my heavenly Father.

    That the Lord would find a way to re-work the debris of past sins, shortcomings and mistakes. I find myself this morning wanting not so much to be “restored” but to be remade. Restoration is putting broken or well worn things back the way they were – and restoration assumes that what was, was worth restoring.

    Better to have Jesus, and to say, “Lord I want to trust you with my broken pieces; please build me up according to YOUR design, and not my own.”


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