hunger pains…

Not long ago, my friend Beth asked her blog readers a question…

What are you eating at your house?

My response?


Ketchup. Mustard. Mayonnaise and relish. The meat to go with? Well, it was the end of the month, and as the family budget dictates, the cupboards wear thin by month’s end. Really, it’s not as bad as all that, but for any family living on a budget (and a single-income one at that), you “get” where I’m coming from.

We stretch our dollars to the max and then some, and are continually grateful for God’s ample provision that never fails to show up in time and on time. We’ve never been without. But there are days when my wants cry out for more.

  • For fullness instead of depletion.
  • For increase instead of decrease.
  • For variety instead of monotony.
  • For more instead of less.

Condiments serve little purpose when standing alone. They are best appreciated when serving their intended purpose—as a flavor, a topping; as a way of trimming the delicacy that lies beneath.

Meat. The main course. The stuff that fills us, that keeps us moving and upright and full of energy for the day ahead. Without it, we live less. We grow thin and irritable and become consumed by a gnawing ache that surpasses any reasonable response in the matter. Bare cupboard living never suffices the hungering needs of our flesh. Condiments serve temporarily and leave us wanting for more. They weren’t meant to fill, only to flavor.

As it goes with our flesh, so it goes with our faith. Bare cupboard living speaks to the hungering condition of our souls. As we expend our resources on the front side of our bounty, without pausing to refuel on the backside, we ultimately find ourselves empty and depleted. Left unattended, our hunger can morph into a prickly dissonance that quickly forces our confusion rather than bringing us around to a trusting, God-filled conclusion.

We banter about, moving from one moment to the next attempting to fill our plates with the temporal flavors from the condiment bar, all the while missing out on the main course that awaits our choosing. Hungering confusion breeds hasty consumption, and haste never births lasting fulfillment. There are no quick fixes to a famished soul. Lasting satiation comes from a willing duration at the feet of the Father.

What he gives us there is main … is meat … is the richest of fare, without need of further flavoring. God doesn’t fill us with end-of-the-month left-overs and extras. Instead, his food serves fully and completely, leaving us satisfied and prepared for the day ahead. Our hunger spaces evenly when fed through the hands of God. When fed elsewhere, our hunger lingers, never tasting the heavenly portion that was intended for our overflow.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve had my fill of condiments in recent days. Thankfully, God has sent a new month to our household and to my soul. Both are in need of refueling. I plan on trading in some ketchup for some kingdom feasting! My hunger indicates my need, and my need tells me to park my plate beneath the truth of God’s Word for the filling.

And just in case you’re wondering, the buffet is open to all. Leave your relish behind and join me at the table of God’s grace this weekend. His ladle serves hot, and his Word satisfies abundantly. As always…

peace for the journey,

post signature

26 Responses to hunger pains…

  1. There is something very aesthetically pleasing about that picture. I know that is the opposite of the point you made, but whoever took the picture had a good eye for photographic composition. (My husband taught photography for a while, and I know how hard it is to find people with that kind of eye.)

    As for your real point, the Lord's table. I hope you dig in and relish His grace this new month of October!

  2. You said: "I plan on trading in some ketchup for some kingdom feasting! My hunger indicates my need, and my need tells me to park my plate beneath the truth of God’s Word for the filling."

    Me Toooo! Praise God. Fill me with YOUR Word, grace & mercy Father God. In Jesus' name, amen.

  3. Amen! I love it Elaine!!

    "I plan on trading in some ketchup for some kingdom feasting! My hunger indicates my need, and my need tells me to park my plate beneath the truth of God’s Word for the filling."

    I'm digging in to HIS FEAST laid out before us as that is the hunger my entire being is always in need of and HIS nourishment FAR OUTWEIGHS my spicy mustard any day!!!

    Love you girl! I do have the movie maker. Just checked. I'll look it over later today. I have more dr's appt this morning at 9am.

    I love you!

  4. thankful for a Heavenly Father who always provides what I need. His table is llike having thanksgiving dinner every day, we just have to come and sit down.


  5. Elaine, my Pastor spoke this very message not long ago. Feasting at His banqueting table. Buffet style. It's all there. We just have to come and help ourselves.

    Proverbs 21:20 says, "In the house of the wise are stores of choice food…" Oh that I would be filled with choice food from His Word.

    This is one of my favourites my friend. Love it. Love you!

  6. So true, Elaine. God alone satisfies. How blessed we are to be His children! Have a wonderful weekend!

  7. Greetings Mrs. Elaine:) I'm with you, I want some meat of His Word to fill me up and satisfy me like nothing or noone else will!

    Blessings to you today:)


  8. A good reminder for me today, friend. I am having a struggle with faith in His provision lately…but the feast is on the table.

    You bless me tremendously.

  9. Elaine! Needing this word today! Good to know what is on the menu… I'll bring my steak knives! (and maybe some A1 sauce, too)

  10. Girlfriend this speaks to my heart…and when I come and sit here and read this I know its from His heart straight to mine…yeah I am totally okay with being selfish at this moment…I do hunger for more of Him and not just a little a whole lotta! Thank you for sharing your REAL heart…one through which He speaks loud and clear!

  11. I love it when I dig into the Word or hear a message with such revelation that I feel as if I just ate a 7 course meal. Full and satisfied!! That is what true spiritual food will do for us!!

  12. Great message! I heard a similar message that talked about cake and how you could live without the icing, that the icing enhances the flavor of the cake. We'd get sick if all we could eat was the icing.

  13. This is brilliant, Elaine. The meat is right before us, and we skip it for the mustard. What an incredible reminder to partake.

  14. I love the way you blend the physical and the spiritual…you have such an amazing gift with words!

    You know what the added benefit is of feasting at the Father's table? We can eat to our heart's content!

    Praying you'll have the opportunity to rest and relax a little this weekend.


  15. Yes, thank u Elaine…I will join u..I'm learning, sister…what it really means to partake…

  16. Beautiful connection as well as depth. There's a rich theology to this one!

    I've got some hours to kill this morning (though it's the middle of the night for you); thus I'm grateful for internet and the meaty morsels that are my breakfast.

    Blessings & hugs,

  17. You always have such a great way of making these connections!

    Makes me wonder why we so often tend to just settle for the condiments rather than going to the "buffet" to feast! 🙂

    Thanks for sharing. God bless!

  18. Nothing satisfies like His word satisfies.

    Not blogging.

    Not comments.

    Not awards.

    Just Him.

    His voice.

    His word.

    In my life.

    In my heart.

    I love Him.

    Sweet dreams.

  19. you are so right. Our spiritual body suffers when we are not properly partaking of the meat of God's table. And He is so generous when He sets His table!!Beautiful post!!


  20. He gives us the passover Lamb – Christ (and remember the unleavened bread);
    He gives us the daily manna – Christ;
    He gives us the peace-offering – Christ;
    He gives us the old corn of the land – Christ;
    For every stage of the journey the food that suits it – Christ.

  21. Sometimes I think of it this way. The Word of God is the meat source and the magazine snip-its are the condiments…often leaving me wanting more, more, more. I agree with the other Elizabeth the picture is amazing and interestingly brings your heart to the head of the table.

  22. Snacks of the ALmighty satisfy for a time, but nothing fulfills like a good hearty meal! This weekend I am so thankful to have sat at the table and feasted.

    Thanks for this beautiful picture…you've also reminded me I need to go eat dinner!

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