Exemplify’s Christmas Issue

Take some time today to download the December/Christmas issue of Exemplify by clicking here. There are two separate sections to peruse through. Kristen graciously asked me to submit something for the issue. You can find my article entitled, Everlasting Peace, in the second section. I’m looking forward to reading it all this weekend! Thanks, Kristen, for all of the hard work you put into ministering to us via your magazine. You and “it” are gifts to the world!

Be blessed today, friends; I’ll be back tomorrow to post a piece from my current work-in-progress. As always…

peace for the journey,

10 Responses to Exemplify’s Christmas Issue

  1. I had never heard of this online publication. I'm having a hard time getting "into" the season this year so I appreciated your article. I want to keep things minimal and just focus on why we celebrate Christmas.

  2. Have a little more Christmas shopping to do before I can sit back and read…can't wait!!! Left you and Billy a message earlier! Y'all crack me up!

    Love ya,

  3. Found your article. Absolutely loved the line "He cries still…for you and for me." So much conveyed in those simple words said in such a poetic way…

  4. I popped over and read your article and Elaine, "I'll meet you at the manger" too! Wonderfully written and very on point. I'm thankful for your heart for the One who is Peace, our Jesus!

    Love ya.

  5. It took a little while for me to find your article.

    But I'm so glad that I did.

    "Everlasting Peace" is exactly what I needed to hear tonight.

    His Presence. His Preeminence. His Peace.

    In my heart and life and world.

    Sweet dreams.

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