Breakfast on the Beach with Jesus (part four): bringing what we have

“When they landed, they saw a fire of burning coals there with fish on it, and some bread. Jesus said to them, ‘Bring some of the fish you have just caught.’” (John 21:9-10).

One of the greatest joys we will ever know as believers in Jesus Christ is the moment when his provision finds its way into our nets, and we are able to hold it as our own—to know that our obedience played a role in the “capture” of fish—the catching of men and women. As we are faithful to cast our nets in a right and good direction, God is faithful to work that obedience into his kingdom plan for abundance. Sometimes we’re eye witnesses to that abundance; sometimes we see through a glass dimly. But if we continue to yield our nets to the call of the Master, eventually we’ll understand the joy of what it means to be holy fishermen and fisherwomen for Jesus.

Scripture is clear that when the disciples made it to shore that morning, there was already a breakfast cooking to completion over the fire. But rather than Jesus offering the disciples his food in isolation, Jesus instructed his followers to bring a portion of their night’s catch and to add it to the flames. It’s an important mention, and one that I’m glad John included with the story as he was carried along by the Holy Spirit while writing it.

Jesus didn’t ask them for more fish because he necessarily needed more fish. Jesus asked them for more fish because in doing so, he was able to share in the joy of their prior obedience. It is the same with us. When we obey God and out of that obedience our nets begin to fill with abundance, we have the sacred responsibility and holy privilege of bringing that abundance to the heart of the Father so that he might receive the glory due him. Our catch doesn’t arrive at our initiative. It arrives at our Father’s, and when we forget to remember his hand in the matter—when we take the credit for the catch because, quite honestly, fishermen and women are all about bragging rights—we miss out on one of the sweetest aspects of divine fellowship with our God—

The beauty of sacred cooperation between his heart and ours. God invites us to come alongside him and to work with him to bring about a kingdom agenda that doesn’t have to include us, but because of his great love for us and grace over us, allows us a portion of deeded influence. He trusts us with the net; the best we can do is to trust him with the catch—to give back to him what belongs to him and to remember that we are as dust without him.

If I’ve said it before, I’ve said it at least 43 times (that’s one a year for those counting birthdays): If there’s anything good in me, it’s not because of me, it’s because of Jesus. I didn’t always think this; I used to think that I was pretty good all on my own. But then grace humbled me. I walked a prodigal road, and I thought some prodigal thoughts. I lived some prodigal sin, until my prodigal days caught up with me, and I realized my growing depravation and corresponding hunger. It was then that grace finally took hold of my heart, and I realized that I was not as good as I had previously thought. God was better, and if my life was ever going to amount for anything good, I would have to wear his grace openly and without reserve—owning my wretchedness while acknowledging his holiness.

Since that time, God has blessed me with abundance. My net has been full on more than one occasion; I wish that I could say I’m always faithful to quickly acknowledge his hand in the matter. Thankfully, with each obedience comes further understanding. I’m beginning to see the correlation between my submission to his directives and the bounty of my net. And when I do, when I realize that the provision I am holding really doesn’t belong in my hands but belongs in his, I’m quick to surrender it to the fire so that he might receive all the glory and share in the bounty of my night’s catch.

I don’t think many things please the heart of our Father more than when we “bring what we have” and place it before him for the partaking. His hunger for relationship exceeds ours, and when we offer him a “taste” from our nets, we open up our hearts for lavish, intimate fellowship with our God.

The beauty of sacred cooperation—of him bringing what he has and us bringing what we have to the table of grace with the purpose of growing the kingdom.

It’s a mystery, friends. I cannot get my mind around God’s allowing me any measure of influence regarding his agenda. He’s entrusted this mystery to each of us—to the holding of it and the dispensing of it therein. Some days we serve that purpose better than others. Some days we come close to understanding how it all works and other days all we can do is throw our hearts up in faith, surrendering the details and particulars to his perfect understanding.

I’ve stood in both places this week—understanding and faithful confusion. But as long as I’m standing with Jesus, it matters not the level of my perception. What matters is He who is with me in my deliberations over breakfast—him sharing his fish with me, me sharing mine with him.

Sacred cooperation. Mutual joy. Intimate relationship.

Where I want to be this day. I want the same for you. Enjoy your time on the beach with Jesus this weekend. I’ll see you on the other side of breakfast. As always…

peace for the journey,
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Copyright © February 2010 – Elaine Olsen

22 Responses to Breakfast on the Beach with Jesus (part four): bringing what we have

  1. Elaine, I love how you saw this application from this scripture. You've shared so many truths today, and I add my "Amens" once again.

    I am always amazed and humbled at how God allows me to play a role in His work — me, in spite of my weaknesses… Like you said, no good thing in me is because of me, but because of Jesus…

  2. I've walked that prodigal road with you Elaine… and felt the starvation, the deprivation as well as the hunger pains that called me back. Praise God for RESTORED lives!!

    This entire post speaks volumes to me right now for what God has done over just the last 3 days.

    Your point that OBEDIENCE is a KEY factor to being able to SHARE all of what the Father has for us through the Son.

    You wrote:
    "The beauty of sacred cooperation between his heart and ours. God invites us to come alongside him and to work with him to bring about a kingdom agenda that doesn’t have to include us, but because of his great love for us and grace over us, allows us a portion of deeded influence. He trusts us with the net; the best we can do is to trust him with the catch—to give back to him what belongs to him and to remember that we are as dust without him."

    HE IS ALWAYS WORKING and that invitation is always there for us to participate [the privilege He offers to us] with Him.

    I will ponder all of the words of this post very carefully today – so I know what the next step is as I am in the midst of 'preparing my net' for a very BIG catch. But ONLY HE will bring them IN! Then — we can clean them together as they are thrown on the fire to be purified! I'm glad JESUS was cooking that day – and this morning too!

    Choosing JOY, Stephanie
    Yeshua HaMashiach ONLY in 2010

  3. Elaine, you said: "As long as I’m standing with Jesus, it matters not the level of my perception. What matters is He who is with me in my deliberations over breakfast—him sharing his fish with me, me sharing mine with him."

    I'm at this spot. I'm standing/sitting with Jesus. We're deliberating. He's so awesome!! Praise His Holy Name, amen.

  4. "As long as I stand with Jesus…"

    Enough said. That is my goal for this journey we call life.

    Thanks for once again sharing your heart and letting God use you to minister to others.

    Happy Friday!

  5. wifeforthejourney:

    Of all the things people do together, few of them are more relational than sharing a meal. Jesus' invitation to all his disciples is no mere act of charity. As you point out, Jesus offers the blessing of holy give and take – even though he needs nothing from us, it is his pleasure to receive even our humblest of offerings.

    How good it is to have that invitation from Jesus to come and be with him!

    Love you,

  6. This was a wonderful post, written from the heart. A heart who is seeking after God , a heart that finds Him every time.

    "The beauty of sacred cooperation between his heart and ours." I love this!

    love and hugs~Tammy

  7. I like your way of thinking, it gave me some new things to chew on. I like to picture Jesus on that beach. I think you're right in saying He wanted to bless them out of their obedience. And I also think He just plain old wanted to bless them. You know, it's a guy thing. Go fishing and then have a campfire – just the sort of thing Guys do!

  8. I love how you always shed new light on things!!! I always walk away from the feast you offer here still chewing.

  9. "I don’t think many things please the heart of our Father more than when we “bring what we have” and place it before him for the partaking." I enjoyed the whole post but this was what spoke to me most.

  10. Elaine,

    A powerful message to say the least but truly this one thing could have preached the entire message all by itself:

    "If there’s anything good in me, it’s not because of me, it’s because of Jesus."

    That says it all.

    Love you my friend.

  11. So true. When we turn from our willful ways, the blessings rain in as we yield to Him. Visiting you (and Jesus) is like breathing in fresh cool air.

  12. Sacred cooperation….love that. I love that He allows us to come alongside of Him and share in His joy and in His Work. Humbling…amazing…and so like Him to allow my part to be added to His.


  13. "When His provision makes its way into our nets and we are able to hold it as our own" . . . Oh, Elaine! I love this. It touches the nerve where I struggle with accepting God's provision because I know I'm not worthy. Thank you for saying this so eloquently!

  14. Wonderful post. I also have a difficult time understanding why God allows us to participate in His agenda. I'm so glad He is ultimately in control.

  15. Your posts always bless me! I have walked the prodigal road and also thought I was "good" having no idea how lost I really was, until I met Jesus. I often wonder how I navigated 28 years without him. I can honestly say "not well, not well at all".

    So glad He found me!

  16. You stir the hunger for me to have breakfast with Jesus. He is what I need more of in my diet every single day. Imagine going to His prepared table with our hands full of praise to Him. I wish all of us bloggers could gather on this side together for a meal with Him. I guess we are in a way through your post. Thank you Jesus for inviting us through Elaine. May God raise you up Elaine to be more for Him. B

  17. Oh wow! I have had the awakening of my "not so great as I thought I was self" too! And what a beautiful life changing time that was for me. You are so right! God loves us so much and just wants us to participate in Life with us and allow us to participate in revealing His Life to the world with Him. "Sacred cooperation. Mutual joy. Intimate relationship." What a wonderful way to explain it. 🙂

  18. Mercy! This is powerful! I need to go back and reread the other 3 as a know how well I retain info!!

    Thank you, sweet friend, for this beautiful post. It's in my heart as to what I need to do!

    Love you!

  19. "understanding and faithful confusion. But as long as I’m standing with Jesus, it matters not the level of my perception."

    This series of posts have touched my heart more than you will ever know….

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