Chemo #4 {my Confidence}

Thanks to everyone who left a comment for Chris Tomlin’s new CD. The three winners (as drawn by my kids) are lioneagle, Heather, and Jacquelyn. Please e-mail me your snail mail, and I will get these to you as soon as I’m able. Congrats! Now regarding my day…

“Have no fear of sudden disaster or of the ruin that overtakes the wicked, for the LORD will be your confidence and will keep your foot from being snared.” {Proverbs 3:25-26}
Peace for the journey,

PS: Some have asked regarding the rocker… it belonged first to my great, great grandpa. It comforts me to have a piece of family legacy left to my care and guardianship. In addition, the necklace I’m wearing is from Jerusalem, a gift from my friend Leah who has recently returned from there. She’s just published her first Bible study on “From the Trashpile to the Treasure Chest: Leaving a Godly legacy.” I’ve recently ordered two copies and will be doing a give-away soon! In the meantime, please visit her blog to find out more details. Shalom.

33 Responses to Chemo #4 {my Confidence}

  1. You are such a treasure Elaine!

    I am touched so deeply by your heart and transparency!

    Thanks for sharing the stories with us too – they are beautiful!

    God bless you today my friend!

    Love in Christ alone!
    His grace is ALL sufficient!

  2. I have just started to read your postings,as a good friend has been telling me about your "peace for the journey." Finally I sat down and came to your site and I am in such admiration of your writings and your sharing of the word. Today when you shared that our beliefs get buried under our fear was such an understatement thank you for bring that to light! Thank you, thank you and thank you again!

  3. I am touched, blessed, and encouraged by your vlog…aren't we supposed to be encouraging YOU??? πŸ˜‰

    I was sharing with our former pastor's wife that you will be switching chemo medications, and that you have been concerned about what you've heard regarding the side effects. She immediately (and quite emphatically) said, "Don't listen! Tell her not to listen to what others say!" She said she was supposed to have all kinds of side effects from her chemo, that people told her horror stories about the medication, and the only side effect she had was that she would tire very easily. She asked me to share with you that everyone is different. Our bodies do not react in the same manner. Just because some experienced particular side effects does NOT mean you will. (She also said if you ever needed to talk that she would be glad to talk to you.)

    Love you so much…praying for God's continued protection and healing over you in the days ahead.


  4. Still praying, dear friend! I missed the Chris Tomlin giveaway but I do love his music. I like to start my day with his songs.

    p.s. I'm having another cookbook giveaway at my blog if you're interested!

  5. So glad you're here, anonymous. I speak for all the blogging world when I say we love to make new friends, and we love having you weigh in with your own thoughts.

    Thank you for spending some of your time with me. I don't take it for granted and consider it a gift.

    Blessings & peace~elaine

  6. Elaine,

    You are so beautiful! Did you start your Taxol this time? I am praying for you that this round will be lighter. I know we've never met, but I wish I could sit down and talk about the Lord with you. You inspire me.

  7. Elaine, I'm so thankful for the way the Lord's ministering to you in the moments of fear that try to take hold. He is such a loving, tender Father, and I pray that it helps to know that many of us are holding you up to Him each day.

    Hugs & Prayers as always!

  8. Blessings to you, my friend. I am glad you got your Jerusalem cross necklace. I pray that it brought a bit of joy to your day. I wanted it to be a surprise, so I did not let you know about it ahead of time. Yay!!

    Hang in there! He is walking right beside you all the way.


  9. Oh my sweet sweet friend…I prayed this morning that when God covered you with His presence He would grant you extra strength today. Seeing you on this video made me worried about my last e-mail and I do hope my words and questions did not bring you down. Forgive me if it did. I only want to lift you up…I would carry you if I could but that's the Lords job. God will be enough, I wish I could give you more but at this moment I only have my favorite verse Deut 33:12 β€œLet the beloved of the LORD rest secure in him, for he shields him all day long,and the one the LORD loves rests between his shoulders.”

    I love you friend, I cherish you and your writing. I will continue to lift you daily and then some.

    Believing Him~Pamela

  10. Oh Elaine just last night (I've been going through Proverbs) I read these VERY verses in Proverbs and found myself just dwelling and considering and mediatating on what they truly mean… (I wasn't sure why as I of course have read them hundreds of times it seems, but they just seemed to jumping off the page) Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. How simple this seems to be in some ways, and yet so difficult for us as well as mere humans. Fear of the unknown just seems to be in ALL of our natures. And He KNOWS that…and that's why He tells us NOT to rely on OUR understanding. It's's human…our emotions get in the way. We are to just trust Him. We can't truly trust anything else. And if we look to Him to direct us, acknowledge Him in ALL things He will direct us everywhere…I ended my reading with the second verse you mention here. Proverbs 3:25-26 "Have no fear of sudden disaster or of the ruin that overtakes the wicked, for the LORD will be your confidence and will keep your foot from being snared." It too seemed to jump off the page. Now truthfully my thoughts were a little different from yours, but I love the insight He gives you here. LOVE IT…He will be our confidence when we can't find any of our own. He will keep us trusting when we can't do it ourselves anymore. I soo love that He knew just who to put beside you today for treatment as well. Such a loving touch by Him. Fear/anxiety is an emotion I have struggled with my whole life…a little more than your average bear I think…but one thing I have learned for sure. He understands, He ALWAYS meets my need for peace in many different ways I never expected, and in Him alone is my confidence. I've been praying for you today and I will continue that you don't feel too badly from this latest treatment and that you will continue to feel His peace wash over and over you as you continue on this journey…Your already half way there…Blessings and hugs, Debbie

  11. Dear Elaine, It was a gift to me that I could pray for you last night and hold you close in my heart today. I could tell that you were drooping a bit lately…so totally understandable, but discouraging I'm sure. II Cor. 12:9 "…My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness…" His grace, His power, our weakness. That has always been and always will be the winning combination. But sometimes when we are walking through the deep waters it's all we can do to reach out and cling to the hem of His garment. But He is totally aware and feels each emotion and pain that we do. He is mighty to save, and we remain in His grip. Looking forward to hearing from you again when you feel better soon…that was a great video. Thanks, as many have already said, for being so transparent with both the highs and the lows. You are so loved…

    Oh thanks for the CD! I will really treasure it! I'll email my address in case you don't still have it. Tell your kiddos they did a GREAT job on th drawing! LOL!

  12. every time you do a video I am so certain I can hear the whole thing without tears… and I am always wrong.

    Your life is reaching out and blessing so many Elaine. I agree with Beth… we are the ones who are supposed to be encouraging you, and instead, I am finding myself so blessed to share these days with you, to pray for you and to hear your words as you walk this path.

    4 down my friend! Praying with you all the way through this.

  13. The verse in proverbs that you talked about is just what I needed, dear Elaine.

    The reason I had not been able to visit your blog last week is that my daughter in law gave birth by C-Section which we all did not expect. But the baby was becoming distressed due to the long dry labor. Baby was born with complications… and our family is still dealing with that. So, the words you spoke to us were so timely – not really knowing what lies ahead… but in my heart I'm believing that God does all things well.

    How much more meaningful this post is to me, even the song by Chris Tomlin that you reviewed in your previous post – I lift my hands to believe again.

    Yes, a deeper faith, a higher faith…

    Your words are so right on for me…as always.

    Thank you for being so transparent and so honest.

    Keeping you close,

  14. Elaine, as I listen to your video, I feel so emotional! You exude such a strength about you, especially during a time where you have every right to be "weak"…..

    You are such an inspiration to me and truly lift me up in the words God has given you to speak from your heart.

    Praying for you continually!! And God is able….


  15. wifeforthejourney:

    As your have told Nick and Colton on so many occasions, you continue to "be a beacon" for Christ. I know how much you have endured and how this 4th treatment is an important milestone for both body and heart.

    I love reading all the comments of your friends and admirers. I am so grateful to every one that has been following Elaine's journey. Whether you consider yourselves "near" or "far" from us, please do not discount the way God has used your words to buoy Elaine's spirits through these difficult days.

    Love to all,

  16. My sweet sister,
    I treasure you so much. You are so vulnerable before us.

    Please know that there are people all over this world praying for you.

    I love you my sister in Christ,


  17. Oh Beautiful Elaine,
    I can see the "journey" wearing on you but you remain HIS messenger.
    Journey On!

  18. Elaine, what a blessing you are! I am so privileged to hear your encouraging words. You speak with such faith, and it is a faith that is well-defined: incorruptible, alive, and pure.

    Thank you for sharing your heart and journey. I love you!


  19. Praying you through the next couple of days. Journeying together….chemo round 7 for me tomorrow! Praise God that He is indeed our confidence, our hope and our deliverer. Keep remembering that the Victory has been won! When you are weak, He is strong.

    Much love,

  20. I'm with Billy…reading these comments of love and encouragement are overwhelming and a testament of the Body of Christ. Though you are weak right now, we'll hold you up through our prayers to remain strong in your faith and His never ending love. Love you bunches, chikadee!!!

  21. Elaine,
    Your sharing warms me. I am thankful you are halfway through your treatment. I love the verses you shared and speaking the word out loud. Most of us could use an echo every day. I pray the next few days are not horrible as the chemo does its job. You are loved by your friends. thank you for sharing your heart with us. We are praying for you. hugs, B

  22. Wow! I so needed to hear this message today. Thank you for sharing your heart and your journey.

  23. Courage.

    That is the word that is placed on my heart when I listened/watched you…..

    Like Beth comments….you are such an inspiration for us all.

    Will continue to pray…..

  24. I AM praying for the second half of the journey with THANKSGIVING for the Lord's faithfulness and grace evident in your composure and words of trust.

    I echo what one of the other "commenters" said – "Don't listen to them"! (Not to say that there won't be down or difficult days, but to say that GOD has said, "NEVER will I leave you, NEVER will I forsake you…so we can with CONFIDENCE say, The Lord is my Helper, I will not fear what __________ can do to me"…fill in the blank!)

  25. When my husband was doing chemo he did the IV things 5 days a week for 2 weeks. Then for a year and a half he gave himself shots 3 times a week at home. Those who shared the room with during the IVs were so precious and without even knowing lifted us up whether they spoke or not. I can see their faces now. Sometimes we are too prideful to ask the questions of them like you asked – what changed your countenance? Her answer helped you but you had to have the courage to ask it first. And understanding, while we'd love to have an understanding of the things happening in our lives, understanding isn't what gives us peace. Obedience is what brings peace to our souls. He asks that we rely on Him, trust in Him, call on Him. When we do that, when we obey that, even without understanding, we find our peace…in Him. I know He will bless you even as you bless us. blessings, marlene BTW, Honey Bun Cake? My husband loves honey buns…is this a recipe you can share?

  26. Praying for you, Elaine, as you move onto treatment #5!

    Thank you for sharing your heart, and for ministering to us even while you step through this rock-laden path on your own journey.

    The Lord, your Rock, is your Confidence!

    Love, Jennifer

    P.S. — Too cool … Check this out: The word verification in the comment box is rocki! Rock on, sister!

  27. What a blessing you were to my heart today. I am not facing chemo but there are things ahead that I just don't see clearly…or understand..but thank you for the reminder that I do not need to fear. I never walk alone and I can trust my heavenly father.

    And can I say that you look just lovely. I have done chemo – and I know what I looked like…and your face looks precious.

  28. thank you sharing with us, elaine. thank you for getting up and bravely going into that chemo lounge. you are a beautiful witness to all of us that El Shaddai is your confidence.

  29. Dear Elaine, as you started the video I could see you were so very tired, but as you went on and shared the witness of our God it seemed as if your spirit lifted. Oh, how I wish I could pop right through this computer and give you a hug and minister to your needs… alas I cannot, so I will pray for you… and minister to those whose needs I can meet… in your honor.

    Much love. Praying that this is truly a week of giving thanks… that your nest will be full as well as your heart.

  30. Elaine,

    I keep telling everyone my body is healing fine but my emotions are a total wreck!! I'm giving myself time, trying to add the things I've gained to the things I've lost and come up with a positive number and counting blessings. I know. Cancer just changes you.

    Sending gentle hugs and prayers your way,

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