a phone call from God

a phone call from God

Yesterday was a good day. I can’t let today go by without chronicling the truth of my yesterday. It would be easy to forego the writing… to let yesterday’s goodness linger as sweet remembrance in my mind, but I don’t trust my mind as much as I used to. My mind is prone to wandering, to forgetting, to casually and occasionally reflecting on the goodness of God rather than keeping it constantly before me.

Thus, my pen and a few words this morning, so that in seasons to come—when March 16, 2010, is long forgotten—I can reach back to this piece of paper and remember my God, his goodness, and how he took a simple day and made it something significant for me.

It happened like this…

My Tuesday was well-planned for me long before it arrived. Bible study preparations were on the agenda, as well as preparations for an upcoming speaking engagement this weekend. Once the kids said their good-byes, I took to my agenda willingly and with energy, believing that God would strengthen me with his power for the completion of tasks therein. But as I have learned (and it’s been a life-long learning, friends), before I can be effective in God’s kingdom work, I must first come to his feet for the feeding. Without his filling, my daily tasks proffer more like religious productivity rather than relational privilege.

So we sat together… me and Jesus. We read his Word together, prayed together, and then in usual fashion, I asked him a question, not unlike the question I asked of him the other day regarding my “next.”

Father, what would you like for me to be for you, to do for you in my next season of living?

It’s a good question to ask of him, for with the asking, God has the privilege of entering into our queries with the deliberations of his Holy Spirit alongside. I think our Father likes nothing more than to engage with our honest pleas for guidance, especially when those pleas issue forth from a humble desire to serve him better. Certainly, I know how I might like to serve the kingdom in the season to come, but it seems to me that further refinement of just exactly what that service will look like is needed—some clarity and defining that I don’t fully have at this point. And so, I asked. And so, he answered.


The word from the Word regarding my “next.”

You are to be a doorkeeper, Elaine.

Immediately, my thoughts went to the verse in scripture that says something about “being a doorkeeper at the temple rather than dwelling with the wicked.” I didn’t have the verse memorized. I knew it was somewhere in the Psalms, and I made a mental note to pull out the concordance at a later point in the day so that I could more fully engage with God’s directive to be a doorkeeper. I closed my time of devotion, thanking God for his Spirit and for entering into my deliberations. I asked him to bless the work of my hands that day, and then I moved on with my day.

Bible study prep.

I pulled out my notes and workbook from a previous week’s work in Jennifer Rothschild’s study Me, Myself, and Lies. How I have enjoyed my time together with my Tuesday night gals this go around! The study has been timely, needed, chock-full of truth, and the fellowship with other believers has been ever so sweet. We’ve grown in ways I never imagined possible when we began this journey together seven weeks ago. God has been faithful to meet us each and every week and has, especially, been faithful to strengthen me with a rich portion of leadership capabilities that I didn’t think I possessed.

As I was re-reading Jennifer’s words from “Week Six: A Hope Filled Thought Closet” I arrived on “Day Three,” page 138. On that particular day, Jennifer had us re-write Psalm 84 in our own words. As I read over my rendition, something began to stir in my spirit. Could it be? Is it Lord? The very same scripture you impressed upon me in our prayer time? The one about being a doorkeeper? Well, lookey there…

“Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked.” (Psalm 84:10).

I was moved to tears and, again, made a mental note regarding my need to further explore this concept of being a doorkeeper on a later occasion when I had the time to process it more fully. Fast forward to last night’s gathering at Bible study.

I was sharing with the ladies about my moments of intimate exchange with the Father earlier that day. I told them about his initial word to me during my prayer time… about being a doorkeeper and what that might mean. And then, I told them about the moment from that initial moment, when I received a further prompt in this direction while reviewing my notes for our gathering that evening. As I was describing this to them last evening, at exactly 7:20 PM, something happened I didn’t expect. Something so perfectly timed, that if it wasn’t true, you’d think I’d set it up somehow.

Kim’s phone rang. No sooner had the words about my being God’s doorkeeper come out of my mouth, then did her cell phone ring out, eerily resembling the sound of a doorbell. We all had a good laugh, as I said to the Lord out loud, “Yes, Lord, I’m listening. I’m headed to the door and will open it up to see what you might have to say.” We all were kind of stunned, perhaps thinking it a nicely timed coincidence in keeping with our discussion, but it didn’t end there.

A few minutes later, I looked over at Kim. She had a puzzled look on her face. I knew something was up, so I asked her about it.

“Elaine, you’re never going to believe what that call was about. You need to look at this… a text picture someone just sent to me on my phone.”

I walked over to the phone and looked. This is the picture that I saw.

A door with a wreath hanging on it.

Needless to say, we were all stunned—none more than me. All I could do was bow to the moment and offer my words of obedience to, indeed, tend to the voice of the Lord as it pertains to my “next.”

Apparently, I’m to be a doorkeeper. I don’t know what that fully means at this point, but I’ve some thoughts along these lines. I’ve done some research, and I will continue to flesh it out in the days ahead. I am convinced that God will be doing that as well—sitting beside me and showing me what it means to be his doorkeeper. I’m not looking for a whole lot of defining from outside sources; I’m fully confident in God’s ability to bring clarification, and after all, his defining is what I’m after, not the world’s.

I don’t know what this means to you today; perhaps, it was meant just for me. But I think you need to understand something about our God…

He longs to offer you his voice, his direction, his defining, his answer. He will go to great lengths to make sure that you hear him correctly. Some of you may feel a bit short-changed in this area, may feel like his silence is indication of his lack of interest in your future. I understand. I’ve been there many times before. But then a moment like yesterday happens, and my faith increases, further confirming my belief in the practice of intimate discipleship… of coming to the shores of God’s grace and eating some breakfast from his fire every day.

It’s a practice that is serving me well, friends, and it brings hope to my spirit that there is more to come—more “in the moment, on fire, from the holy, hot breath of God” kind of moments that will arrive for me, as I am faithful to keep pulling my ship to shore and anchoring my heart and thoughts to the One who has been faithfully waiting for me in the night.

God is good, and his voice is sweet. I am exceedingly grateful for his willingness to share that goodness with me in any form he chooses.

Even with a cell-phone. I can hear my Savior calling; he’s calling for you as well. As always…

peace for the journey,

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Copyright © March 2010 – Elaine Olsen

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41 Responses to a phone call from God

  1. Elaine, that was a beautiful post> perfectly timed. Last week was my spring break. Normally, spring break means more time for a lot of things included more extended times with God. Well, this time I just didn't want to take the time to be with Him. It's sad, but true. I did make some time for Him, but not with a hunger to be in His Word. There was one moment when I prayed, "God would you just talk to me? I just want to hear you." You encouraged me today to keep listening…Thanks!

  2. That was a powerful message. I pray for HIS voice to be loud and clear to me. In Jesus' name, amen.

  3. God amazes me! I read with tears for His goodness.

    Elaine, what an awesome testimony! God is truly at work in your life in a mighty way! Hs is speaking with a thunderous voice with intention to rattle your world!

    And, the beauty of it all is the humility with which you are receiving it. We all must have that!

    I am praying that I will be prepared to hear Him, too! That I will have the devotion, sacrificial heart, and meekness to sit before Him with listening ears. He is our only answer to all our questions!

    Thank you, dear friend, for such a pure post.

    Love you,


  4. oh, I just love that! You are the doorkeeper! Isn't is just amazing how God speaks to us – He reveals and He confirms.

    Love you friend,

  5. Elaine this is such a wonderful story! God is so faithful to use anything He can to speak to us … even cell phones!! I had a moment like this the other week with a Jillian Michael's workout video!! haha God is GOOD!! 🙂

  6. Oh, my goodness, I'm grinning from ear to ear! I know that you already keep a good door…you have tended the door of friendship well.

    I'm still thinking over your words, still hear your voice. You ask good questions, direct me in the Right Way. I'm grateful for your faithful tending.

    He is so good.

  7. Elaine, I can only tell you this…on 12th June 2004…I made a very strange prayer and noted it down on the journal entry.

    'LORD, MAKE ME A WATCHMAN (DOORKEEPER) at the gates of Zion. Psalm 84:10, Psalm 87:2. Two months later, He revealed to me that He has called me to write…and that's why I am here.

    I will be waiting out with you…as you wait for His clarification. For He will indeed, He will.



  8. A definite grace note! I also want to hear God's voice like that. Like Jennifer, I'll keep listening and praying "God, would you just talk to me?"

  9. Beautiful… The Lord will always find a way to get his voice to be heard…loud and clear.

  10. What a blessing for God to have spoken – and then confirmed – his direction for your life.

    I'll be waiting to hear what he continues to reveal to you, friend.


  11. Elaine, it is so wonderful to see how God speaks to others. We only have our own experiences with HIM. But, when a kingdom sister let's us in to her own personal time with our LORD…it is awesome.

    Thank you so much for sharing your heart.

    From my heart,


  12. Elaine:

    I especially love the way God gives confirmation, one thing after another, and you just KNOW!! I too am exicted to see what this new word is going to mean in your life.

  13. This was a beautiful post I needed to hear. I seem to hear noise lately and not his voice…I don't how things got fuzzy but they did…thanks for words I needed to hear. I am sure it was not by accident.

  14. A doorkeeper. Elaine, I will be most interested to see what our God does with this. He is always full of surprises and thrills. I'm betting He has something designed especially for you.


  15. A doorkeeper..I love this! And, I love how God speaks to us in the most unique ways! I eagerly await with you to see what He has in store for you! How exciting our God is!

    Thank you for your encouragment to spend time with Him and give Him time to speak to us. That's hard to do some days. I really needed to hear this, sweet friend.

    Love you!

  16. "I’m not looking for a whole lot of defining from outside sources; I’m fully confident in God’s ability to bring clarification, and after all, his defining is what I’m after, not the world’s."

    This may be the most profound (and difficult) part of your next season of life! There are so many voices out there; "sirens" within and without….

    Keep your FULL confidence, my friend!

  17. I've been enjoying breakfast with Him, Elaine.

    And He's speaking. And I'm listening.

    I'm so glad that you took the time to share this specific word from the Father. Straight from His heart to yours.

    Looking forward to hearing more about what it means to be a door keeper.

    I think it's going to be good.

    Sweet dreams.

  18. Wow, Elaine…this so goes along with the message from Beth last weekend—to seek Him, ask Him for spiritual vision to 'perceive' the 'new' thing He is doing….I loved how your heart and spirit were opne to receive His nudging. Thank you for sharing this. I am very encouraged. Blessings.

  19. Awesome–I loved reading how your confirmation grows:)
    God heard my cry this week at least to give me a little peak of hope–had a new job interview yesterday with a wonderful woman–now to pray and wait but either way, it buoyed me when I needed to know He still hears.

  20. What a powerful affirmation!

    I must tell you: all throughout my journal in recent weeks are the words "doorkeeper" and "gatekeeper". I have a few thoughts about why they've featured so prominantly in my prayerful ponderings, but I'm not quite prepared to pen those thoughts.

    Mostly I'm struck (incredulous) by God's amazing clarity when He's communicating something so precious. I'll just bet you're the best darn doorkeeper ever!


  21. Oh my…God is so good…and when He speaks to His children…and they listen and obey…the impossible becomes possible…your sharing has moved me greatly….

  22. I am so excited about this special word and all the confirmation to you. Do tell us what your findings are; I know it will be as big a joy to us as to you. We are blessed to serve such a personal God who speaks to us!

  23. To hear God calling. Mmmm, Mmmm good stuff girl. How beautiful of the Lord to open the door for others to experience His Presence there. Today I was talking about the breath of God and later heard Faith Hill sing "I can feel you breathe…". Chills went up my back. I was thinking of Jesus. It has been a WOW day with Him. Keeping up with all He is doing is difficult. He is just toooo much. I shared a call I got from Him this week on my blog too. He speaks. I pray you are a good and faithful doorkeeper Elaine. I'm excited about your new season. I thank God you offered yourself as available for His service. Give it all you have. Can't wait to hear more if you share with us. B

  24. Thanks for your post. The link you sent was very helpful. I still sorting through what God is teaching me through theses verses. You have helped clarify some things! 🙂

  25. Hi Elaine!

    Truly a beautiful and timely post! I love it when our Lord speaks to us so clearly!!! God is truly truly amazing!

    Thank you for this beautiful post today!

    Love, Hugs and Prayers,

  26. You OPEN the DOOR to the KINGDOM of GOD for those who need a way IN! And the wreath on the Door was PINK!!! THAT color spoke volumes to me with something between me and God alone! So your post is far-reaching into heavenly realms.

    He will reveal more and more as He does just that – shows you what it means – in its fullness!

    Presious to my heart!

    Choosing JOY in PINK,
    JESUS ONLY in 2010

  27. I just love it when God…as Beth Moore puts it…."shows up and shows out"! Thanks so much for sharing this new "position" you have with the Lord. You will wear the title Doorkeep well my friend….whatever comes with it!

    Marilyn…in Mississippi

  28. That.is.amazing.

    GOD is amazing!

    So you'll be listening for what it means to be a doorkeeper. And I have a confident belief that He'll be guiding you. Very clearly.
    Looking forward to following you on this journey.

    May the peace of Christ reign in you today.

  29. Hi Elaine,
    Today I saw something on 'the Psalm'. I read it before I went to sleep last night. I love seeing a God story as it unfolds!! Thanks for telling me about the problems with my video. (It has nothing to do with my blog anniversary.) Trying to reload and change the size. And to think I was proud to actually get it loaded! I will keep to it though. Blessings, B

  30. OH, how I love when God shows how much He cares about each one of us… individually. Excited to be part of your journey!

  31. Wonderful! God is so good to give us moments like that – albeit, yours was pretty spectacular. God is kind to provide opportunities for our faith to dig deeper. Thanks for sharing.

  32. Hey girl, just wanted you to know that the giveaway drumroll has begun at my place and a winner has been chosen. Come on over and congratulate my sweet friend. 🙂

    I sent you this comment earlier today but I did not realize until just now that I sent it to you under my son's girlfriend's account. Her name is Kayla. I was using his computer and I did not see that when I got on, her account was up instead of mine. I do not know about myself sometimes. Anyways, I deleted her comment and pasted onto to my own name so that you would know I sent it to you. I think I need a few days rest or something. LOL

  33. Wow, a doorkeeper! I'm not sure what that might entail, but it sounds like you have a divine call on your life! Which I never doubted for a second…

  34. Elaine how awesome of Him to give you SO many nudges… You finally just have to laugh, don't you?
    I love how He does that!

    Thanks for visiting my blog and the sweet words left there. You blessed me!

    Can't wait to see what He tells you about being His doorkeeper!

  35. those rhema words take us through
    the hard times.

    your doorkeeper's word is so


  36. And God… is so like that…

    this was so beautiful…

    I have missed stopping by…


  37. I love how God shows us His will and direction for our lives when we are open to receiving what He has to say!

    Have a blessed week, Elaine!

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