Making Sense of Mustard Seeds

“Again he said, ‘What shall we say the kingdom of God is like, or what parable shall we use to describe it? It is like a mustard seed, which is the smallest seed you plant in the ground. Yet when planted, it grows and becomes the largest of all garden plants, with such big branches that the birds of the air can perch in its shade.’” (Mark 4:30-32).

I’m not sure how it all fits together; all the stuff of my Sunday.

Sick children;
Laundry rotation;
Clorox wipes;
Temperature taking;
Non-stop Sponge Bob.
A Wal-Mart run for meds.
Throw-up clean up;
Make-up homework;
Bible-study prep work…

Some prayers;
A Scripture;
A Kingdom;
A mustard seed;
Some birds.

A blog post.

But something tells me they fit; Someone compels me to make them fit … at least to ponder their collective wisdom and then to scrawl a few thoughts in between runs for cool washcloths and requests for more attention. And here’s what I’m thinking tonight…

They are God’s kingdom, these two young ones I’ve been given in my later years. I never imagined them on the front side of my motherhood. Their two older brothers were enough to fill my maternal longings. Then again, I never imagined starting over in a new marriage. But I did start over. And by God’s grace and only through a loving provision I cannot begin to merit or adequately explain, I was granted the privilege of having two additional children.

I’ve not always done it right; in fact, many times I’ve gotten it wrong. All of us have some battle scars to prove it. But even in the mistakes, I’ve always been mindful of the sacred responsibility to do it. To parent in the light and shadows of a greater cause … a kingdom cause. If I don’t, someone else will, and what God wants growing in my garden is a planting filled with the mustard seeds of a heavenly kingdom, not the weeds of a worldly domain.

The world grows weeds … useless, unimaginative, ugly to the eye, and difficult to erase.

All I have to do is look out my bedroom window to a neighboring lot and see the effects of a worldly neglect. But when I look inward to reflect on what’s growing inside these four walls, to the young ones who are within reach and are well-tended to this day, I see the effects of a Godly intention. A sowing that exceeds any amount of energy expended on the cultivation.

I see God’s kingdom—two children growing faster than my heart can handle. There is nothing useless, unimaginative, and ugly about them. Instead theirs is a beauty that, when beheld, no one wants to erase, for in their eyes … on their faces and beneath their skin, there radiates the glow of heaven. A golden hue reminiscent of a golden road that links them directly back to the inapproachable light of a glorious God.

God’s kingdom is like them; tiny mustard seeds growing alongside their brothers and sisters in Christ to develop into a garden without boundaries. A garden that multiplies over time to become the sought-after perch and shade for the birds of the air.

We are there too, being cultivated and grafted into a kingdom without end. A golden carpet of splendor rolled out for all of humanity as the pathway home to the King. As you consider your “plant”—your part in God’s kingdom this week—be reminded that your beauty is needed. The light you carry within added to the light I carry within becomes an illumination that beckons weary travelers to pause from frantic flight and to, instead, find rest within our branches.

God has fashioned us to be his perch and shade to a world in need of a safe place to land. In doing so, his kingdom advances. One seed at a time; one heart at a time; one prayer at a time; one cold compress and one temperature-taking at a time; one Scripture at time. One blog post at a time.

That is how my Sunday fits together … a day fast approaching its end. It’s been messy and cluttered and filled with ranging emotions, yet when all is cast at the feet of the King, all becomes material he can work with. He’s done it for me; he’ll do it for you as well.

Blessings this week as you fan into flame your candle and expand your branches to become God’s extension of rest to a people who need the truth behind their sacred worth. We are all the useful, imaginative, beautiful, and unerasable work of his hands.

Walk your inheritance well. As always…

peace for the journey,

post signature

31 Responses to Making Sense of Mustard Seeds

  1. Oh Elaine, I'm sorry for your weary day, but oh the worth.

    "We are all the useful, imaginative, beautiful, and unerasable work of his hands."

    Thanks for this reminder. This "seed" was feeling kind of cast aside this night. I am a planting of the Lord for the display of His splendor (Is.61:3)

    Praying your family returns to health soon.

    Love & prayers,

  2. As always, another great post – that is our calling, to plow and sow in hope. The eyes of faith that are required to see past the daily grind to the beauty of the calling requires hearts of thankfulness – and faith. Thanks again Elaine, for a simple post that causes me to remember what the really beautiful and important things are and to always – be thankful.


  3. Beautifully written, eloquently said.

    I've learned a lot this year about mustard seeds, too — that it only takes that tiny amount of faith to see mountains moved.

    Love the images you paint and how you tied this all together so wonderfully.


  4. Amazing how God can use us/you even in midst of a beautiful "mess". I pray all are well soon in your home. Beautifully written and touched my heart. I didn't know you were in a blended family. I am as well. We have two children from Hubby's first marriage, one from mine and one from ours, lol. Love ya Sis ((hugs)) Oh…I'm back to the domain name His Living Sacrifice. I worked on a simple blog design of my own today. Make sure you read the quote today in my post by C.T. Studd.

  5. I think God can actually use us better in the middle of a mess, when everything is going wrong, when nothing seems to fit, when we don't get it right. That's when God can step in, clean up the mess, and teach us, oh, so much! These are what educators call "teachable moments," whether they occur in the classroom of a schoolhouse or the classroom of the Kingdom. Hope you will at least get some rest and peace soon.

  6. Love the post…beautiful words.

    We are living similiar lives right now, sister. Only I am the latest victim in my family. I will be so thankful when we all feel well again.

    Hope your family is on the mend.

  7. Oh, no! I'm so sorry you've had to deal with sickness in your family. It's especially tough when little ones are sick. I'll be praying for them, and for protection for you and Billy!

    This is a post I definitely needed to read. Some days I almost feel strangled by the weeds.

    Thanks for your encouraging word.

  8. I love your comment…they are God's kingdom – your two children! What a beautiful thought and to remember it well..even on the sick days (or perhaps especially on the sick days).

    It is so easy to get caught up in the big picture..and miss the blessings, opportunities, ministry of God's kingdom – right in our own home!

    Hope everyone is feeling much better quickly!

  9. I love your post.
    I hope everyone gets well soon at your house 🙂
    PS I love the new blog design- exquisite!

  10. Loved this parapgraph, Elaine: "As you consider your “plant”—your part in God’s kingdom this week—be reminded that your beauty is needed. The light you carry within added to the light I carry within becomes an illumination that beckons weary travelers to pause from frantic flight and to, instead, find rest within our branches." What a great reminder and image! May we all illumine the area around us!

  11. So beautifully said, Elaine. Just beautiful.

    I love your new look!!! It is a great "fit" and very appealing to the eye. I'm looking forward to what's in store for your corner over here!

  12. Elaine,

    Hope you will find your little ones to be much better this morning. If not…you know where to find me. Blessings for your day!
    Looking forward to our bible study tomorrow night. Love you!

  13. Thank you for the thought provoking post. I hope you're family is feeling better — John and I were sick this weeekend too – no fun! 🙁

  14. Quite an inheritance indeed.

    What a blessed post Elaine. Thank You Father God for using Elaine this way. May you bless her beyond her wildest dreams. In Jesus' name, amen.

  15. I am so sorry to hear that your kids are sick! 🙁 Praying that they recover quickly!

    "His kingdom advances. One seed at a time; one heart at a time; one prayer at a time; one cold compress and one temperature-taking at a time; one Scripture at time. One blog post at a time."

    This is oh so true! God gets all the glory! This was a great post Elaine! Thanks!

  16. Some are called to be evangelists. Some are called to be seed planters. I consider myself a seedplanter who waters and cares. Being a mom is all about the grace of God. I miss it all the time. The boys look appalled. I repent. I look them directly in the eye and tell them, "Yeah, I missed it. But at least I repent. I get up. I try to be better. That's every person's battle. Yet it shows how much God loves us-that He forgives us when we repent, and He pulls us up." Being a mom is a living reason of the grace of Jesus Christ.

  17. I hope that you and yours are feeling better physically by now! Such a great thing that you can look past the mundane chores of cleaning up after sick children and see the pieces of a much bigger puzzle!

    I love you for the way you can paint such pictures with your words!

    Marilyn…in Mississippi

  18. Dearest friend, as I read your words I kept hearing:

    P U R P O S E

    Outward care

    You are in your PURPOSE in GOD! He is keeping you in HIM and has given you every ounce of what you need to continue to stand steady in your personal life, ministry and writing.

    My love and prayers are with you and over your children. I pray they are feeling significantly better.

    May the Peace that is GOD rest with you dear friend and remove every weary area and strengthen your bones, your mind, your heart and your stance so that you can keep walking in your purpose.

    HE gives us strength for the next step.

    I love you. I'm praying for you.

  19. Oh, Elaine.

    I pray the sick house is well by this time (I'm horribly behind on my visiting). But I am thankful for the way you have found God in this time. And I am thankful that you share it with us.

    What a blessing you are, my friend.

  20. It was 6:25AM when I came to your post this morning [Tues.] and my first thought before I opened your blog was, "Lord, how will I get everything done today that needs to be done?"

    And your answer was… we just do! It helps to allow God to show us what is important and what is for kingdom purposes. Yesterday I felt the same way. I had my entire day laid out in my own agenda. BUT GOD… led me in a completely different direction – but in His providence allowed me to accomplish more. He even found a way for me to do several things in sn easier way – rather than having to run out – here and there – checking for this and that. I prayed before my day began yesterday, "Lord, go before me this day and lead me. Show me Your paths and Your ways, that I might walk in them."

    Amazingly HE DOES JUST THAT!!! Oh, why am I so surprised? I couldn't stop thanking Him.

    Your children are your heritage in Christ and you are teaching them about kingdom values. PRAYING for them is your most valuable gift to them.

    Elaine – God has just given you a gift to share and I thank God for you daily! May He continue to bless your life and family.

    And I echo Lisa Shaw's comment… You are IN your purpose in GOD! Keep going girl!

    Choosing JOY, Stephanie
    [JESUS – For His Name's Sake]

  21. Your words Elaine, are a balm to my soul this day. I went to my first mom's in touch prayer group at a new school and cried through most of it…my daughter is struggling to make friends there. I was just talking with her last night about the truth of her worth in the eyes of God and so many….and yet the enemy wants to lie to her as she plays alone at recess.

    You wrote, "To parent in the light and shadows of a greater cause … a kingdom cause. If I don’t, someone else will, and what God wants growing in my garden is a planting filled with the mustard seeds of a heavenly kingdom, not the weeds of a worldly domain." My girlie and I had a lovely conversation by her bedside that consisted of me planting mustard seeds…trying to show her that even though this mommy heart wants to take away the pain, it is good that the struggles are there, to make us aware just how dependent on God we actually are. We ran to him in prayer together…a precious time. But I'm still an emotional mess today. Blessings to you. Love the new look by the way!

  22. I pray your children are so much better by now! Your writing style and words are soothing to us as I know your ministering is to them.Stay well.

  23. Mrs. Elaine, I think that the Lord has most certainly blessed you!:) A loving, godly husband and 4 kids! Wow!:) I would like to be that helpful shade to others like you have talked about…laying it all at His feet:)


  24. Oh what an incredible post. I've had weeks just like those you presented in the beginning, but oh, what a beautiful blessing in the midst. Wow.

    Just couldn't love your heart more if I wanted to.

    Got my Bebo Norman CD, and I cannot wait to have a moment to listen to it. Thank you again so very cherry much. 🙂

    Praying everyone is healthy by now.

  25. wifeforthejourney:

    You are the best honey! Thank you for your good word today; you have given us all a lot to think about.

    Love you,


  26. Thanks for being one of my branches… I have no clever words today… just true ones… thank you.

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