38 Responses to just to say "hi"

  1. Oh, Elaine…I miss you, too, my friend! Between your precious vlog and your prayer, I'm a mess…I'm sitting here with tears streaming down my face.

    Now…contact me with those dates! We're getting together for sure, and it can't be soon enough.

    Love you,

  2. God led me here. To hear your voice, to be prayed over, to hear the message I need to have repeated over and over and over and over again. (I'm one of the reasons He has to put the "pay attention" clauses in there). Sister, Elaine, I miss you dearly, and I'm so glad the Lord led me to you today. Can't wait to hug your neck and talk face to face.

  3. I need to hug you too!

    It would be such a gift to sit with you a while. I'm praying for that proposal, and all the work you do for the Lord.

    You bless.


  4. I miss you, too, sweet friend! And there WILL be a time that we meet face to face with real smiles, real hugs and real fellowship. My heart leaps at the thought.

    Sounds like Haggai needs a visit from me…thanks for the invitation on his behalf.

    Love you,

  5. I love when you do a video:) I loved hearing your update and glad to know what Lisa has been doing as I have missed her around so you answered that question!

  6. Elaine, I love hearing your southern voice. And to hear you pray for us is awesome. I too am participating in our 7 days of laying it all down with Lisa. I've not been online very often but I had to listen to you today and I'm so glad I did. I loved reading Hagaii too. I can't say it stood out to me as a book of the bible that I was very familiar with but oh how appropriate for us.

    BTW, sweet Lisa is the one who is responsible for gifting me with a blog makeover. Can you believe it? She's become such a good friend and sister to me. I love her. And Elaine, I hope I get to meet you in person one day soon. I've had the opportunity to meet several bloggers recently and what a gift it was for me.

    Loved your words of wisdom and how you speak from your heart.


  7. I have missed you so much! It is so good to hear you and see you. I am always so moved by your videos.

    Recently I've stepped away from all things internet – Facebook, Twitter, Blogging – so that I can devote myself to the Lord. I'm doing it for 11 weeks, been in it for nearly 3 and I am already seeing so much. So much more intimacy with Him. So much more growth.

    Exemplify Online & Mag, as you know, is growing like crazy and calling for my full attention. I've given up most outside work and am now fully devoted to this growing ministry. We are launching a ton of new features in the fall and are preparing behind the scenes for that. Pray for me, if you could. This is the busiest season of my life to date and so many changes are coming at me.

    I just want to do this right for Him. For His glory.

    I welcome the prayer!

    I think of you all the time and miss blogging alongside my girls.

    All my love,

  8. thank you for your sweet words and prayers…you touched my heart in a special way. As you do everytime you leave me a comment.

    I loved this…if you are ever in my part of the woods, look me up, I would love to chat a while.


  9. Oh Sister, you have blessed my heart. You know I'm not visiting blogs during this consecration, as the Lord has instructed but I received your message earlier today and I felt it ok to come on by as the LORD permitted and now I see why!!!

    I could see you beautiful face, hear your sweet voice but my goodness I felt like your words were my own. It's all that I have said since 2001 about Haggai. As you know it's one of my favorites!!! The Lord brought Haggai into my life at a time when some serious pruning and impartation was going on.

    I love you Elaine. I know we already count each other as friends and I pray that we will sit across the table and praise the LORD together in person.

    This time of consecration has been awesome and as the Holy Spirit spoke in my heart as I prayed earlier, "LOAM is not done, it's only just begun". We are Ladies On A Mission".

    I'm keeping you in my prayers Sweetie for all that GOD has ordained for your life. I am blessed in your prayer for us and for your friendship. I love you.

  10. Out visting blog world – been here before and simply enjoyed sitting with you as you challenged us with so many good thoughts – I too travel through the wilderness – on Mondays – as I speak out to the women whose lives are on the move. I liken moving to that journey Moses took with the children of Israel- through the desert and into the promised land. Keep writing

  11. Well, drats! For some strange reason I can't get the sound on my laptop to cooperate. Since I don't read lips I just read the other comments and then watched you talk.

    It made me proud … sort of like a mother. I couldn't help but think how wonderful it would be to say "that's my girl"! Your heart for the Lord and His people is not only visible on your sleeve, but in your hair and on your cheeks too!

    Oh how I'd love to sit for awhile, a long while, and talk and pray and eat and talk some more and ponder and then …. Looks to me like the vast majority of your cyber-buddies feel likewise.

    I pray it is so.

    Huge hug,

  12. Elaine, great to hear your voice and see you! I will be heading to the Bible to read Haggai. That's one of those books that we sometimes want to skip over because it is not one of the "well-known" ones.

    Pray for me as I too am leading a Bible study – "Esther, It's Tough Being a Woman" (Beth Moore) at our new church. We have 25 women signed up. They are all excited and can't wait. I am counting on God to do great things through it! They once had a thriving women's group, but they have let it die out. I TRULY miss having christian sisters to retreat with, hang out with, etc. I miss it so much!!! I hope to revive some sort of group of women who want to "hang" together!

    Take care. I will be praying for you as you too go through the "letting go" of the boys. It is hard, but I know it is necessary!!

    Love ya!

    Take care,


  13. What a blessing, dear Elaine. Thank you SO much for praying, and for sharing your heart. I LOVE Haggai, though I haven't read it in a LITTLE bit. May have to go check it out again.

    Can't wait to meet you some time. I would TRULY love it. Blessings, dear friend!

  14. Wow; I'm blown away! What a rich expression.

    It was great fun to hear you speak (I signed on to hubby's office computer), but what really gripped me was the Haggai references you made.

    It was just one week ago that I felt led there by the Lord (I even blogged about it on August 17) for the very reasons you cited.

    We are safest when nearest Him.

    Thank you. I have a feeling a whole lot more's coming …

    Kathleen (the sassy cookie pushing mom)

  15. Elaine,

    Your message was bittersweet. I LOVED hearing your voice and was blessed to say Amen and Amen to His word you breathed over us.


    Was so sad I couldn't hug you in person. Now, why would the Lord put us on opposite ends of the country?

    Thank you for being willing to let the Lord speak right to me through your encouraging words. I am going to be seriously working on the book He has called me to do this week. One step at a time…my journey continues.

    Please let me know when I can purchase your words on paper. I am looking forward to that day my friend.

    In His perfect love…

  16. You made me cry friend! Miss you tons! Love you so much. Will be forever thankful for the time spent with you.

    Hugging you and praying for you with love,
    PS. We find out tomorrow about Gord's job. I'll let you know.

  17. thanks for coming to us on video. I will go back and read Haggai. You are a blessing to me. May God bless you richly as you speak and write and worship Him. Donna

  18. I really, really enjoyed this, Elaine! Very timely. Maybe I'll wrote more about it later.

  19. OH, sweet Elaine – I feel like I know you in real life! I have been off the computer alot lately and I miss all my friends so much!

  20. Elaine, you bless my heart, too! Thanks for the video — makes the connection that much deeper. Looking forward to the day when our paths might cross one day. That'll be a hug and a half, huh?!

    I'm going to be going through another step yet in the letting go process over the next year as we prepare for our youngest daughter's wedding. She just got engaged last week so I've posted a pic of her and her groom-to-be. Stop by and see it. Such a joy!

    Love & hugs across the miles!

  21. Elaine, It was so great watching you and listening to your voice, hearing your heart and letting your heart touch mine. It is amazing the connections that God has made through the blog world isn't it? What a great idea to speak forth your heart. What a great post! Thanks so much for taking the time to share a little bit more of you with us.

  22. what a sweet video…
    Haggai speaks directly to us, doesn't he?!!
    Wishing I could hug your neck…times of change and transition are so hard, especially in a mother's heart.
    Praying His voice zaps straight through any junk and you hear him clearly…I know you have a direct connection ;D
    XXXXxxxx big and little hugs

  23. I am signing in here to let you know I am here! I listened. I am heading to the bible now, before i go to bed to read Haggai.

    what really hit me is when you said the good things that we do won't bear the fruit they could if we were first at that center place of worship, intentional, etc. with God.

    Nothing can flow out of a dry relationship. If I don't spend time with Him, if I neglect my time with Him, if I don't allow Him to fill me, I am so out of it, so easily swayed by my emotions… and i have nothing for my friends or family.

    Elaine, I so would love to give you a hug. I would love to sit down sometime and do coffee or tea, and chat. I would love to see your face in person (so wonderful that you do these videos though… because I love hearing your sweet voice) and give you that hug that I can just hear the longing for in your voice.

    I have been there. I have felt that longing. There is nothing i can do from here to help you with that. Nothing but the best thing. I will pray that God will fill that need for you; first and foremost with Himself, but then to bring a sister into your life, in the flesh, right with you there. I know the importance of having that…

    .. God finally answered my prayer for that about 2 years ago. I had a couple of really good friends, but due to their moving, we were quite a ways away from one another and saw each other rarely. God blessed me with my friend Cindy, 2 years ago, just as I entered the worst year or so of my life.
    Now we are sisters and friends, and its such a blessing to know I can help her, and she can help me… and that there is someone to laugh, cry and pray with.

    All this to say, i understand that longing, and I will be praying for you specifically in that area.

    Love you my friend, even though we have never met face to face….
    ~on the road with you~

  24. Oh sweet friend, you bless me so! Thank you for this message, I hung on every word. Thank you for that powerful word of encouragement today to spend some time with Haggai…I'm taking your challenge. So glad you recorded this post as a video. It was precious to hear you speak that prayer over us.

    Like many others, I do hope to meet you someday (this side of heaven)…a bloggers weekend in NC, SC, or Gatlinburg perhaps??

    Much love,

  25. Elaine… I have been coming by your blog almost on a daily basis for several months now but this is my first comment 🙂 You always give me something to think about! I too am participating in Ladies on a Mission and appreciate your prayers! I really enjoyed your video – love your voice but love what you had to say even more. I had read Haggai before but I must say it hit home this time during our time of consecration and laying down the "stuff" of our lives. God bless you sweet sister!


  26. Love the Vlog, Elaine. Thanks for such tender words. I'm at an interesting place of having an overflowing plate that is out of my control and close friends or family in crisis or very hard places right now. I carry so much to heart and then carry the weight around with me throughout my day. Having to learn all over again to cast my cares upon him, for he cares for me (1 Pet. 5:7). Now I have to check out what I've missed with the LOAM.

  27. Elaine, never knew there was a sweet Southern voice behind the anointed words I read each week. Thank you for your prayer, and thank you always for your ministry here.

  28. Girl, when do you EVER sleep? I am so glad that God has equipped you in so many areas of ministry:

    Bible-study leading
    Book-writing (THREE ALREADY? WOW!)
    Speaking engagements
    Blogging — and doing it WELL
    Vlogging (I spelled that correctly, right?)
    Your Family
    And on and on and on….

    I already thought you were the bomb, but now … even more so. Not for all you DO, but for who you are.

    It's so awesome to see you and hear you speak…. Just lovin' you to pieces up here in Iowa…

  29. Wish I would've been part of the 7 days. Amazingly though, God did a work in me last night, which was your 7th day, I believe? This video and your talk about Haggai blessed me. I can't wait to feast on Haggai this afternoon. If you have a chance, read my post The Real Me and watch the video. You'll see what I mean about surrendering all of me to God which is what you talked about. Love ya girl. I'd love for a meet up some day.

  30. Oh precious sister…((hugs)) What a journey these 7 days…sigh…This morning as I was walking with the daycare children I started to worship our Lord with song, in tongues (a first for me with singing in tongues). I was SO overcome with being in His presence as I was singing, I started to cry. Praise God I had sunglasses on..lol.

    What a beautiful vlog, powerful message and blessing. It has greatly ministered to my heart and confirmed SO much of what the Lord has been speaking to my own heart.

  31. Elaine:
    What a wonderful treat to hear and see you. 🙂 Your encouragment is so appreciated and looking forward to spending some time reading and absorbing Haggai this week.

    Would love to someday meet you, share some fellowship time and give you a hug.


  32. Thank you for providing this time just now with my Jesus…for His arms are tightly around me…He is breathing into me…and renewing energy and strength in me. I praise God for your commitment to live and journey on purpose! Praying for you, your ministry, your family and knowing God will Bless you greatly!

  33. Girl.

    First, let me say I was in tears as you conveyed what the LOAM was doing in you…because I've been pretty much the same—God has been dealing with me on some busy activity that is totally good, but entirely unnecessary.

    I will TELL you where you can get your neck hugged and SIT across the TABLE and spend all hours fellowshipping! THAT would be a the bloggers retreat! Grab some NC buddies and travel together! Lisa Shaw is going to bring us the WORD from her heart—the LORD has given her a message to share with us…

    I loved this video! I too need the fellowship with the sisters!!!

    Love you girl!

  34. Elaine,

    You rock!

    You've got presence.

    You've got a message.

    I loved this video.

    I want more.



    Sweet dreams.

  35. I loved knowing that I'm one of your "girls"!

    I will be praying for you. I sense your restlessness.

    And let me know what type of cd player I can buy for your car… you'll have to see if husbandforthejourney would install it for you.

  36. Elaine, I was touched by your spoken words as I always am by your written ones. It is so clear that you are not only doing a lot: you are being a lot. Thanks be to God!

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