The Forest for the Trees…

The Forest for the Trees…

I dedicate this piece to my friend, Melinda at “Traveling the Road Home”, who graciously afforded me the use of this picture from one of her recent trips. It grabbed me the moment I saw it on her blog, and it has taken me a few days to put some words around it. I pray they speak its witness accordingly. Thanks, friend.

“Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for.” (Hebrews 11:1-2).

What do you see when you look at this picture?

I see beauty. I see between. I see beyond.

My eyes refuse the focus of the cluttered clustering trees and instead focus on the entirety of the painted landscape. Rather than get bogged down in the details, I breathe in the witness of a well-planned masterpiece …

the forest instead of the trees.

The full and lush of a long ago planting, seeded by the hands of nature and through the intent of a loving God who visions at a higher level than me. Who paints with a perfected end in mind rather than settling for a partial finish. Who gives careful attention to the details so that the finished product breathes with the life and vitality of exacting and necessary brushstrokes. Who gives us his creation to teach us something about eternal visioning and forever focus.


Lived and walked in the details, all the way through to the end—to the other side of the forest where clutter gives way to spacious living. Where shadowed existences give way to God’s lighted embrace, and where the backward glance at the trees left behind fills in the gaps about seasons previously misunderstood.

The ancients of Hebrews 11 understood about faith and the potential cluttering therein. They were commended for their focus … for seeing the forest as their bridge to home rather than as an obstacle to prevent their arrival. Refusing to be overwhelmed by the maze of tangled brambles and knotted roots along the way, they set their eyes on the faint glimmers of a finish that sparkled its radiance light through the dim masking of branches and foliage.

Their vision leveled toward completion.

“All of these people were living by faith when they died. They did not receive the things promised; they only saw them and welcomed them from a distance. And they admitted that they were aliens and strangers on earth. People who say such things show that they are looking for a country of their own. If they had been thinking of the country they had left, they would have had opportunity to return. Instead, they were longing for a better country—a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared a city for them.” (Hebrews 11:13-16).

A city … just beyond the trees. A better country that houses the perfected end of the process that we now walk. A permanent dwelling where the din and lies of the forest are replaced with the splendor of God’s eternal peace and truthful witness.

Friends, if ever we needed the witness of eternity’s truth, it is now. We are walking through a tree-laden season of volatile living. The chaos and clutter of an electoral process is leaving most of us confused and pointedly focused on the trees that obstacle rather than on the forest that divinely shapes. Our minds landscape with the ugly and contrary nature of a temporary foliage that refuses to budge and that so easily trips.

We fight understanding as we soldier on. We refuse to bend and to bow to the trees’ cloistering for fear that in doing so, we will never make it beyond their branchy embrace. Rather than concede to the process of our perfection via difficult trees, we slash at their bark with our words, with our hateful intent, and with our neglect to love.

We fear the outcome, even though the outcome was never ours to fear. What happens in our country over the next few weeks does matter. It is important. But our perfected end, and God’s sovereignty in the matter, isn’t so fragile that it cannot abide an Obama or a McCain presidency.

God has never intended for our focus to stop mid-forest. To freeze frame on a single tree or on a single event in history that was only ever intended to be one miniscule part of the whole. The enemy would like nothing better than to stop us in our tracks and to have us think that the next president will be our savior. The truth is…

No man or woman will ever or could ever hold that title.

There is only One who is worthy of such an honor. His pilgrimage through the forest would require that his Father journey deep into its dark in order to cut the one tree that would house and hold his surrender. He did, so that our requirement would be less. So that we could walk it through to the other side with temporal wounds that bleed less and never lasting. Christ didn’t journey without forethought. He walked with one purpose in mind.

The forest for the trees.

The beauty, between, and beyond of a portrait that was painted long before he allowed us any voice or any vote in the matter.

Is God concerned about our now? Perhaps, but only as it pertains to his completed masterpiece. Is God involved in our now? Absolutely, because what he has in mind is a canvas that is brushstroked with the truth of his ample sacrifice—an end that is painted with the blood of Calvary’s grace. And that, precious readers, will always warrant his attention and his brush.

We are almost home, nearly finished and nearly perfect. God is after our beauty, both individually and collectively as a people. No thing or no one person will thwart his kingdom agenda. No matter the trappings and confinement of a few temporary trees … no matter the outcome of a presidential election … God’s light is still shining through the branches of our dim and our confusion. He is calling us through to the other side, and one day soon, our backward glance will afford us a beautiful understanding for the cluttered shaping that we now walk.

Fear not, our Father has allowed us our trees so that his forest will boast the punctuated splendor of a few faithful hearts—hearts that are trusting and fully content to leave the painting up to him. Thus I pray,

When I am fearful, Lord, with the confusion from the trees that surround my life, remind me of the forest that houses the completeness of your plan. Illuminate each step with the light of your forward focus that will keep me moving in the right direction and in the full assurance of what awaits me on the other side. This season is my season—one that you have ordained for my steps and for the steps of the country that I call home. Keep us, Father, in perfect rhythm with your will. And when I am tempted to consign such understanding to the fragile minds of men, forgive me for assigning them with too much. You, alone, are the King of my heart and my life. Only you can carry me on to my perfection and to your intended end. Humbly, I bow to the beauty of your trees this night. Amen.

Copyright © October 2008 – Elaine Olsen. All rights reserved

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29 Responses to The Forest for the Trees…

  1. Wow, Elaine…this is powerful..those pictures are so beautiful and capture so perfectly the anointed words that flow with poetic cadence straight to my heart.
    This further reinforces for me our sermon today on ‘not running to Egypt.’ Isa.30:1-3 says, “woe to the obstinate children…who go down to Egypt without consulting me..who look…to Egypt’s shade for refuge…” Our pastor pointed to the volatility of the stock market as a graphic of peoples’ hearts trembling with fear…and instead of looking to God, the ‘whole forest’, they look for the back-up options…
    May we remember the Artist..the Sovereign One and pay homage at His feet…
    Thanks again…

  2. " … the forest that divinely shapes."

    With that one line the thought of "community" comes to mind; the thought of "safety in numbers" comes to mind; the thought of how incredible is the "Body of Christ" comes to mind.

    The forest … in so many ways our home.

    And when the wind blows in that forest, I hear the Father's voice. It's rarely as resonant as when the forest's subjects sway & offer homage as though harp strings being played by the Master.


  3. Wow– I hate to say wow again but it takes my breath away how you have taken a picture and given us so much from it. Amazing.

  4. Oh Elaine…how perfectly you’ve captured the message in the photo. Thank you for writing its story, for translating its message into words that speak to the deepest part of us and put these current, “blurry” times into a crystal-clear perspective.

    So much love to you friend,

  5. Elaine, my simple words could never properly honor your beautiful ones, so I will just say… thank you.


  6. wifeforthejourney:

    A worthy reflection, especially for me when I am so consumed with my interest in politics. Current events can never supplant the cross of Christ, and I need that reminder today.

    Today matters because it is a gift to us from God, and every day that He delays His return is another day for the lost to be found. May eternity remain our beacon in the living of each day!

    Love you,

  7. So profound, yet true in the simplest way. Wow. I have a picture very similar to this, and I’ll never look at it the same way again.

  8. Elaine, this was my favorite picture from Melinda’s site the other day as well. What a beautiful message you have put with it. Thanks for pointing out the beyond. How I look forward to it, too!

  9. I marvel at your deep spiritual insight. Your words “Lived and walked in the details, all the way through to the end—to the other side of the forest where clutter gives way to spacious living. Where shadowed existences give way to God’s lighted embrace, and where the backward glance at the trees left behind fills in the gaps about seasons previously misunderstood” so embrace my heart and the view I encompassed in my own spiritual journey this weekend. How uplifting to read this confirmation of what God has already laid on my heart.
    Thank you.

    In His Graces~Pamela

  10. “God has never intended for our focus to stop mid-forest. To freeze frame on a single tree or on a single event in history that was only ever intended to be one miniscule part of the whole. The enemy would like nothing better than to stop us in our tracks and to have us think that the next president will be our savior. The truth is…

    No man or woman will ever or could ever hold that title.”

    So true… on so many levels. Whether it be a President, a child, a spouse, or a thing… there is only one Savior!

    I love the picture. God has painted our world in such beauty. I love that you have taken a beautiful photo and embraced it with beautiful words… a beautiful lesson…

    Thank you friend!

  11. Oh, Elaine. Very powerful and beautiful, as always. You always have a way of showing me God’s truth in a new way. Thank you.

  12. Elaine, you have a wonderful way of expressing yourself. I’m so thankful to remember that God is sovereign. He knows the beginning from the end.

    Although I may have my opinions as to how our current election should go and can fret over it, I remember that the Lord sees and knows all that is going on.

    It seems like certain topics keeping repeating themselves when the Lord is teaching me something. The Hebrews 11 chapter on faith reflects that as well as the sermon I heard in church yesterday.

    Isn’t it funny how we can look at the same picture and see different things and get different impressions? I love your take on this.

  13. Beautiful! Elaine you have captured the feelings of many as we prepare for the upcoming election. Bless you, sweet friend, for your wisdom and your eloquent words.

  14. Beautiful. Thank you! I’ve never posted here but I couldn’t let this one pass me by. I agree wholeheartedly!

    I come to your blog to refresh my Spirit and you have done so very eloquently today. Again, thank you!


  15. I can rarely see the forest for the trees…thank you for the reminder that I should look for the light through the trees instead.

    p.s. I hope you called your mom!

  16. Elaine…that was the most beautifully written, heart felt truth TRUTH I have read. Amazingly insightful. When the Wall Street Journal arrives at our office everyday I scan the front page…others see the gloom and doom. While I admit I see what they see, I do see something else. I see the polishing of a trumpet by one certain angel. Gabriel is about to blow sound the beginning stanza of the Wedding March. I am checking my wedding gown for wrinkles.

    I love you and LOVE reading your heart here!

  17. Dear Elaine… thank you for sharing your post with me. I would have read it soon, but I think we both know I needed it sooner then later. I have been thinking through the years and how God’s purposes have always been seen to fruition despite any leader. Blessings, sister.

  18. Elaine, my friends teenage son shared a similar analogy the other day. He was talking about the smear of bugs all over the windshield of their car. Someone asked, "How can you see to drive?" It wasn't until someone pointed out the limited vision that his Mom realized how messy the windshield was – completely covered. Now, she said she could barely drive – it was like someone had stolen her vision. She had been focusing beyond the windshield – not looking at the problem, but looking further ahead. Now that it had been drawn to her attention, she could barely creep ahead in the car – all she could see were the bugs.

    With your election approaching, I'm so thankful for verses like Psalm 82:8b, "For it is You who possesses all the nations." So glad we have a God who is in control and that no matter who is elected, that God can turn the hearts of kings and rulers.

    Blessings tonight my friend,
    Love & prayers,

  19. Tears….the trees are the kind my father loved above all others. He included them in most of his paintings….


  20. Hi cousin Elaine 🙂 As always, I am so touched by your words, and today with the beautiful ‘life source’ photo as well….trees! I so needed to read your message today, thank you! Why is it so often we (I) find myself temporarily putting things in front of Him… I am so proud of what an excellent writer I have in my cuz!! …it makes me wanna say, WOW, too! peace, Carolyn

  21. Elaine,
    I agree with what you’ve said. We (collectively, not necessarily your or I) are fretting and wringing our hands so much over this upcoming election it does seem we’ve lost our focus. Jesus is our King and our Ruler. He is the one who governs the kindgoms of our hearts…no matter who leads our country or even what country we live in.

    There are so many believers all over the world living in such harsh political climates. As bad as it seems like things are here in America, they are so much better than they are in many, many parts of the world.

    Blessings for your wise and eloquent words.


  22. Elaine, first I have to say thank you for your kind words and prayers of encouragment today!
    This was such a powerful post for me today…and my thoughts while reading were not with the election (though that’s a concern) so I thank you for sharing today.

  23. Hey Elaine,

    Was getting ready to shut this computer off, and thought I’d stop by to thank you for your kind comment today.

    Now, I should of known better to think I could just quickly pop in and out of your site.

    This is just another INCREDIBLE post.

    And timely…

    I needed to read this tonight. I’m so grateful you addressed the issues at hand for our nation.

    Although we are living in such a hostile time to Christianity, the opportunity for us to proclaim the good news abounds.

    Yes, this is not our home.

    Thanks for helping us get a glimpse beyond that forest today.

    Blessings to you my special friend♥

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